Paket aus Österreich DHL?


Ich erwarte ein Paket aus Österreich, seit heute Vormittag steht dort ” Übergabe an Kooperationspartner “!

So gut so schön, nur warum kann ich es ” noch” nicht bei DHL verfolgen?

Dort heißt es, ” wir erwarten Ihre Sendungsdaten in kürze “

Wird das Paket nun vom Logistigzentrum nach Deutschland befördert?

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2 years ago

Yes, I think the package is just on the way to a DHL depot in Germany. Once it arrives, you should also be able to see this in the DHL app.

At is the following:

“We expect your shipment data shortly.Please note, however, that we can only issue shipments when the sender has sent the shipment or the consignment data to us.. You can see this message if (still) no broadcast status can be displayed. ‘

2 years ago
Reply to  ipodgamer896

Another possibility is that the consignment number is not correct. Where is the broadcast number, or from which Apo comes the first screenshot?

2 years ago

I would just wait and, if necessary, write the sender

2 years ago

Probably updated as soon as DHL has your package.