Paket ab 18?
ich bin noch nicht 18. Habe mir ein Paket ab 18 bestellt. Können es meine Eltern für mich annehmen ? Ich bin tatsächlich sogar nicht am Tag da und würde auch ein Zettel schreiben wo meine Eltern es für mich annehmen könnte . Wäre das so möglich und hat jemand auch Erfahrung gesammmelt ?
Package with “age inspection +18” you can accept one with “ident check+18” not.
does not stand both
It is shown in the DHL tracking.
So it has settled down because the Leleks do not know what they write down below. From the DHL to the topic with perseverance : Your package will only be handed over to the recipient personally or to persons in the recipient’s household if they have reached the specified minimum age.
I wish my comrades who have the same problem or had beautiful holidays
All right, my friend.
But there are different versions of the exam. Depending on what the consignor says.
Age vision check or ID check.
And as the sender himself writes, it becomes an ID check. You can google Schlaumeier yourself.
this will only be delivered personally against signature and identification.
giving a power of attorney is not possible
In the mail: YoursArticle 1Age release from 18 yearsmust be taken by you personally by submitting an official ID. 100% sure that is not possible
“from you personally” says everything. As over 18, it will not be handed over to you, return to the sender.
If the deliverer does not ring at all, it goes to the branch. There you have at least 7 days to pick up the show. I hope you’ll be 18.
I read it. Read the answer
I hate to repeat myself, but it seems necessary for you. “from you personally.”
What is not to understand?
Shame, you know what I could do?
So my parents can’t stop it?
you are not 18 so no packet 😉
If you have to be 18, you have to prove it and not push your parents.
I’ll be 18. After Christmas and Christmas, I wish for something from 18 and ordered this to me. Could you then give a correct and concrete answer
now and today you are not an 18th. that is in fact (!)
Yes, you’re not 18. Then you should have waited. Or have to order it on the seams of an adult.
And you didn’t get that before your question? By the way, there are delivery services that would not have been delivered.
Simple research shows everything: Your package will only be handed over to the recipient personally or to persons in the recipient’s household if they have reached the specified minimum age
There is no source that says you can handle the ageing as a driver. Drivers must comply with the rules. The only one who didn’t think about this is you.
A fact is not a source of friends
This is simply a fact and the suppliers must stick to the facts. You don’t have 18 packages. They can’t just handle the request.
Did you sum up the experience or a source that proves it or is it just a ü60 answer?