Paderborn – ein guter Ort zum leben?

An alle, die in der Gegend wohnen: Welche Stadtteile etc könnt ihr empfehlen? Ist es schöner zentral zu wohnen oder bspw. etwas außerhalb in Elsen? Anschauen reicht nicht aus, es ist ja noch mal etwas ganz anderes auf längere Zeit an den Orten zu leben. Deshalb hier die Frage, welche Erfahrungen habt ihr gemacht?

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2 years ago

Whether you prefer to live centrally or rather outside is a matter of taste. If you live close to the center you can easily get out without a car, the traffic is good and the train station is also quite central. The retail trade is diverse, and even the southern ring center is right behind the university. There is a diverse pub scene and also many possibilities of recreational design, several cinemas, the HNF the swimming opera and much, the recreation area along the pader, from the pader springs directly at the dome to the mouth and much more.

2 years ago

Hüstel…Paderborn isn’t as big as himself.

If you don’t want to build ‘priced’ or want to live on a farm, you should try not to move into a suburb…

2 years ago

We’re full, we don’t want anyone here anymore, stay where you are.

2 years ago

Geseke is a beautiful village