Packet Loss durch gequetschtes LAN Kabel?
Bin letzte Woche umgezogen und habe kurzerhand mal mein LAN Kabel unter Tür durch verlegt. Zuerst hat alles wunderbar geklappt aber seit gestern habe ich ständig Packet Loss das zu massiven lags ingame führt. Könnte das am LAN Kabel liegen (Bild im Anhang) das jetzt durch mehrfaches quetschen und einklemmen beschädigt wurde?
Habe eine Fritz!Box und bin der einzige der den Router mit LAN verwendet. Könnte ich in den Fritz.Box Einstellungen nachschauen woran es liegen könnte und ob das LAN Kabel tatsächlich das Problem ist?
Danke im Voraus
Yes, you can go into the settings of the Fritzbox and see how the interference security is.
A damaged cable can lead to connecting runs. It has to be done with high frequency in the cables, and since light bends can cause very massive changes in the transmission properties of the cable.
Replace the line and see to which it fixes the new one at the door passage on the ground so that it passes through the air gap without touching the door leaf. If necessary soft on a flat cable.
perform a continuous pen on your Fritzbox and see if there is no pack. If so, the Lankan is the cause and you should replace it.
Okay, how do I do that?
If it’s not squeezed under the door, it’s fine, there’s plenty of room under the door. If it’s squeezed, that’s stupid, of course, and you need to think about a solution. Because a new cable would be squeezed again.
Get me a ribbon cable, so it works loose. Just want to make sure it’s really on the cable.
then make a ping and see if there will be exaggerators.
I would say every 15-20 seconds it hangs for about 2 seconds. I think it doesn’t change, I’ve already tried different positions.
How many times do they come out when you play? Does something change when you’re shaking at the squeezed place?
Make it now for a minute, always <1ms. Doesn't that mean it's on the cable? What else can it be? The router is in the kitchen and the cable runs under the refrigerator on the wall under my door to the PC.
You can’t get this from the settings.