Packet aus packstation zurückschicken?

Hallo zusammen, ich habe ein packen an die packstation geliefert bekommen. Ich möchte es aber zurück schicken. Kann ich das direkt von dort machen oder muss ich es erst dort abholen?

Also kann ich die 7 Tage abholfrist verstreichen lassen sodass es an den Absender zurückgeht oder muss ich noch was tun?

Danke für tips

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10 months ago

Good evening.

Of course, you can leave the package in it until the storage period expires. Someone who acts like this is, unfortunately, very social. Others also expect important packages and need the compartment, which is unnecessarily long blocked.

With kind regards 😉.

10 months ago

Yes, just let it lie down and let it be taken back automatically

10 months ago
Reply to  Kenji23

No normally this goes back directly to the sender.
If you are kind, you could contact the sender and say that you have resigned and that the package goes back directly from the packing station. Then he can prepare for it