Päckchen an anderes Haus versenden?


Könnte ich wenn ich bei Kleinanzeigen etwas bestelle die Adresse meiner Oma angeben, die wo anders wohnt aber meinen Namen? Also auf much adressiert, aber es kommt bei ihr an, da ich gerade im Urlaub kann ich es nicht selbst annehmen.

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9 months ago

Then you must specify the address as follows:

Your name

c/o Grandma

Oma street 111

55555 Grandma City

However, it is not ruled out that the seller has a problem with it because he could theoretically suspect any goods fraud or something behind it if you send it to a c/o address

Please note that I have edited the address above again.

9 months ago

of course you have to give the name of your grandma.

Except you have at least the same surname, then it is.

9 months ago

When you send the package of parcels, you are left.

if you take the garbage can 5 as a receiver, that’s okay