P-Konto Postbank – Geld nicht abbuchbar. Warum?
Hallo Gemeinde,
ich habe ein Konto bei der Postbank. Vor einigen Monaten habe ich ein P-Konto einrichten lassen, weil eine Pfändung läuft. Abgesehen davon, dass die Einrichtung eine Katastrophe war (es war mal wieder niemand zuständig) und knapp drei Monate gedauert hat, habe ich nun folgendes Problem…
Ich habe einen Freibetrag von 1.400€.
800€ konnte ich abbuchen, also sind noch 600€ drauf. Diese kann ich seit Wochen nicht abbuchen, obwohl ich nichts über Lastschrift gezahlt habe oder Abbuchungen bevorstehen. Woran kann das liegen?
that you best ask at your bank, who can tell you immediately, just have to look into their calculator
Yes, you will always only be sent from person to person, or you should call somewhere, where there is never someone going to the phone or it means: “Just ask in your branch.”🤡
Always depends on who you have debt, because a P account does not generally protect against a bond.
There are no social carriers, I know that it can already be that the money is still being pledged. It was “only” an insurance company.
Wrong answer!
What exactly?
Smooth nonsense
“IMMER”… total bullshit.
I sneak my knees
It doesn’t matter who you owe. A P account will provide you with a deposit protection in the amount of the donation allowance. So the answer was wrong!
can you explain what you mean or how you think it would be right?
Do you want me to call you support as a troll?
Just everything
I guess you’re supposed to have more than one account.
But I didn’t get a letter or the like, and I don’t have another account. Can it still be something else?
Not really. If the next money comes, you’ll be picked.
I’ve already thought about it… Thank you
Not with P account. But the postal bank is notorious for such trouble. An acquaintance has a savings account and no problems. I’m guessing to change!
I had the problem for at least 2-3 salaries that I could not always have the entire 1,400€, but could always take a certain amount.
my salary is 2,000€, of which nearly 300€ are paid – makes 1,700€.
Even then, it’s still 300€ up to the bond-free limit. You can’t even get this stuff, can you?