P-Konto auf normales Girokonto wechseln wie funktioniert es?
Guten Abend und zwar hab euch eine Frage und zwar möchte ich mein p-Konto wieder in ein normalen Girokonto wechseln weil es wird nicht möglich sein das ich mir von der Bank 50.000€ auszahlen lasse trotz p-Konto wäre nett wenn jemand was weiß
Only protection and not account 🙂
But is not recommended if debt exists.
However, if there are no deposits on the account, you should also come to the 50,000:)
But even if I have a deposit in the account then I pay it and then the account must be open again or?
If the account is pledged, you should be able to have it frames of the free embroidery.
However, since I do not know exactly what it is about, I cannot comment on this.
Hey, that’s easy: Go to your bank and tell them to change your P account to a normal current account. They already know. lg
Thank you.