Oxycodon und Diazepam?

Das ist eine SAFER USE Frage, geht um Leben und tot!! Bitte nicht löschen!

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Also ich nehme schon manchmal mit regelmäßigen monatsabständen mal alprazolam 10mg oder am abend im bett diazepam bis zu 20-60mg. Jetzt wollte ich mal ein opiat dazu ausprobieren, weil mir die benzos ein bisschen zu langweilig geworden sind, vorallem diaz machen ja nur schläfrig. Jetzt habe ich Zugriff auf sehr viele verschiedene opiate. Aber ich möchte nicht gleich zu oxycodon greifen, weil ich gelesen hab dass das schnell tödlich enden kann. Wäre Tramadol zb etwas ungefährlicher wenn ich es niedrig dosiere? Oder welche opiate wären sonst noch am “sicheresten” ? Danke für Antworten.

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2 years ago

Not a good idea because both active ingredients can trigger respiratory depressions together. There is little to say about the use of mono-substance if one considers itself to be a consumer with the intentions of rupture of safer use and has a minimum degree of active substance experience.

Regarding the desire for opioids/opioids…Both groups of substances can trigger physical/psychic symptoms after a short period of use (because they are pleasant). Some call it the monkeys.
If you don’t care about this, because you think the thing/the situation is manageable, you can also start with heroin, because you’re bypassing the costly – often unhappy and little feeling – way over children’s neck drugs like tramadol, tilidine, codein.

2 years ago

Since I have already been prescribed medical opiates, I can tell you any opiates make strongly dependent and quickly lead to a addiction in which the dose must be constantly increased. So no matter what opiate you abuse, it will end up in the homeless or in the hospital, especially when you vllt it even with something else. Opiate dependency is not a joke.

The fact that you get bored is clear that the drug would have to be increased 1. to death and 2. it is intended for medical purposes (aesthesia in pain and temporary anxiety relief) and not for your life problems. You need life goals, God or a partner. Opiates are unsuitable for your purposes.

I see many opiate addicts and have already seen opiate addicts in withdrawal clinics, trembling all over the body. Also unconscious by mixed consumption. Nand get help. LG

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

You should not combine (❗) two central-damping active ingredients. In no dose. You don’t know how your body reacts. This Consumption is highly dangerous. Especially when you run it out of “long periods”.

Look here. https://drugscouts.de/page/reflexion-des-drogenuse

Lars Wilkening
2 years ago

In short, such a mixed consumption can lead to respiratory depression. This also applies to all opiodine-containing painkillers tramal.