Ovulationsschmerz Kann es gefährlich sein?
Ich hab immer so übertrieben starke Schmerzen und ich kann das garnicht ertragen es tut so weh ich kann mich nicht mal richtig bewegen durch den Schmerz , es tut so weh 😔. Meine Frage ist ob das normal ist das ich so starke Krämpfe habe bei den Eierstöcke?
Bitte nur ernsthafte Antworten
Hallöööö Lina1864
So with me, the ovulation pain is expressed either by a slight “circle” or a “dump” pain and slight cramps – sometimes on the left or the right side of the body, depending on which ovarian the ovulation takes place. But the menstrual pain is somewhat more pronounced with me.
In general, the cause of pain during ovulation is due to the escape of liquid from the follicle into the pelvis around the uterus. This liquid disappears within a few days of itself and the pain usually takes only one day.
But you are very strong Speaking of pain, I would definitely advise you to explain this to a female doctor!
Endometriosis can cause, for example, severe pain and cramps during the cycle, an accurate examination would therefore be really important.
Please go to the doctor!
I’ll tell you the thumbs that it’ll be better — and I’ll give you thoughts!
Thank you
So extreme is not normal. Let’s check this out, maybe it’s endometriosis. This is more common than you think and in most cases it causes these cramps
Thank you
Of course, that’s not normal and you should ask your gynecologist.
Thank you.
No, it’s not.
Check this out with your gynecologist, maybe a cyst or something else.