Osnabrück or Emmen?

My boyfriend and I would like to go to the zoo tomorrow. But we don't know which is better. Our choices are Osnabrück or Emmen (NL). Emmen is supposed to be very expensive in terms of parking and admission… I've never heard much about Osnabrück. Can anyone give me some tips on who liked which better and why?

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8 years ago

the zoo osnabrück is really nice. there is, for example, the possibility of watching the entire wolfsgehege from a viewing platform, again and again different projects… the last time I was there, the world of experience “living under the earth” was inaugurated. there’s a man-threatened underground construction replica…

in the summer it has the jungle night…

it’s a lot about ecology, about the natural life of animals. osnabrück is also a zoo. the landscapes offer beautiful observation posts for visitors, but also retreats for the animals.


if you want to go on a Sunday with nice weather – right in the morning to the opening time. in the course of the day it will be full. after the zoo visit, you can take a beautiful forest walk along the plant – and there again the wolves and the kangaroos at the height of enjoyment 😉 because the cradles go into the forest.

is worthwhile in any case – the plants are very well maintained – and the animals too.

8 years ago

Friends of mine were in Emmen last night and were very disappointed. It was too expensive and little animals to see.

8 years ago

Zoos are simply animal torment who likes to buy animals in cages in his spare time, in my opinion is just sick

8 years ago
Reply to  juttaschollamg

No, this is not the same because dogs and cats are human-friendly animals that would not live better, even worse. Animals in the zoo like lions or whales etc are torn from their usual habitat and are kept as good as never art-friendly