Origin Spiele im Steam Status anzeigen?


ich möchte Battlefield V spielen und das es über Steam angezeigt wird so das meine Freunde es sehen können

Wenn ich BFV starte Steht in meinem Status auch Battlefild V aber nur für ein paar Sekunden

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5 years ago

How’s that going? BF V runs over Origin, a competition from Steam.

5 years ago
Reply to  nxdel

Sure, however, BF V has been out for a while and this is exclusively for Origin. The problem is that Origin has some processes running in the background and the game does not necessarily start via the BFV.exe. That’s why it’s hard to find out what file you should start over Steam.

If you don’t play anything about Origin except BF V, you could try to start Origin on Steam and rename it to Battlefield V.

5 years ago


The guide describes it very well. If you have to take the ID of Battlefield V, you should run that way.