Origin funktioniert nicht. Was kann man tun?

Ich habe vorhin Origin gestartet und bekam diese Fehlermeldung (Foto). Was kann ich tun, damit Origin wieder funktioniert? Ich habe meinen PC schon neugestartet und das gleich bei Origin schon mehrfach getan. Hat jemand damit Erfahrung?

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7 years ago

I received the message if the Internet connection was not stable or the data could not be transmitted.

So a classic timeout.

Simply try again or restart the Origin Client as specified.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gaskutscher

Thank you.

7 years ago

End the process in the task manager, then open Origin again. that helps me always when Origin is crawling back.

7 years ago

Jap that I had already been lying on the bad internet ._. You should close the tab off the internet briefly and then turn it on again (working with me also always)