
hallo ,

werden auf den Unis oder FHS Leute die im Sommersemester mit dem Orientierungssemester angefangen haben im Wintersemester mit den neuen Studenten zusammen gemischt oder werden diese in zwei gruppen aufgeteilt also Leute die mit dem Orientierungssemester begonnen haben und Leute die direkt mit dem “richtigen ” Studium begonnen haben?

Danke schonmal

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10 months ago

You didn’t understand the concept of IMHO as it was with the lectures. You have to sit in the lectures where you have to go. There you sit. T. funny about all possible. degree programs together in a lecture, especially in the first semesters. And who could get credited with previous studies (incl. passer(!) examinations in the orientation semester) which is simply not in the corresponding Lecture.


10 months ago
Reply to  User6744

Oh, I guess it’ll be hard for you with your studies. There are no classes when studying. It is completely normal that hardly a group of people always sit exactly in the same lectures. If you’re crossed somewhere, half a year later, it’s your 2nd attempt for this one.
