Hallo Liebe Leser/innen;
Easy Overlay bekommt bald das 0.2.0 Update, ich habe neues Wissen erlangt mit eigenen Modulen und Code Aufteilungen und ordne deswegen meine 700 Zeilen Code in Plugins um. Ich erstelle deswegen einen Großen Unterordner mit Codes, Data, img, Logs und mehr und nur ist jetzt die Frage, wie nenne ich den Hauptordner, es fällt mir schwer den passenden Namen zu finden, auch weil er gut klingen soll und man es verstehen soll
Danke im Vorraus und bitte keine Belehrungen und seit bitte nett 😉
At .NET, the projects are usually structured, consider whether you want to look at it:
The program or the project folder is usually called: {Author/Firma}.{Product}
The individual projects in the project folder then carry out this name scheme: {Author/Firma}.{Product}.{shift/module}.{Feature}.{etc.}
You then structure this by layers, modules, features, etc.
And the basic rule applies: The module, which changes more frequently, may be dependent on the modules that change less frequently, not vice versa. This results, for example, in a classic multilayer architecture, e.g.: UI->Business->Data->Data database
And that’s what you call the UI layer called {Author/Firma}.{Product}.{“UI”/”App”/”Presentation”}.{etc.}, the business layer is called {Author/Firma}.{Product}.Business.{etc.} and so on.
If you mean the folder in which all data are located, then usually as the program itself.
Interesting, but many also call it resources or something
Oh, I thought you meant the folder where the program itself is. You can call the subfolder what you want.
I usually use this structure (depending on the project something adapted):
I know;)
Hahah okay. As a hint of me, it usually doesn’t seem so good when you say something about yourself;)
Is like with C:/
And to get back to the subject. Sitting now for a total of 3 hours on the PC (longer than the post) and have now just agreed on AllFiles
Lol, so if I’d explain how I think would be a bit long but I’m referring my mind to the PC because it’s very structured. But according to test, my IQ is at 125, My strengths: Mathe, 2D/3D simulation in the head, quick learner can write 1 without having to watch in class, because I just notice the picture from the table in a drawing because my head keeps bigger memories hard and when learning I think like Var: You = You
In any case I should not believe too much flexen😅
And then what does it mean to simply call it the programme?
PS: The “school” and “home” singing a separate main folder does not make any sense, shouldn’t it be “me” with which the “me” folder would be meaningless?
PPS: “Because of my iQ similar to a PC” a PC does not “think” and if you were always so “thinking” your IQ would be pretty low or undefined;)
I’m developing an app that should bring new apps in Windows (My apps) but it should also be useful in other things and keep the user free of charge
So, I am such a perfectionist and my app must be developed for 6 months, so I must also like it 😅
So that with assets and so would be in the folder but I’m looking for a main name because I always sort my folders as I think,
So this in My head(because of my iQ is similar to a PC)
. /school
. /Home
And just as I want to do this, but I want to make it suitable for the program
Addons would be the wrong thing if there were no Adens… Why does it have to be “crush”? No one sees the name in the normal case…
If you don’t know what it’s for, just ask. Is just a suggestion that everyone makes a bit different
Not exactly what I’m looking for should be similar to addons or AllFiles should be somehow “krass”