Ordner auf Festplatte?
Weiß irgendjemand was für Ordner das sind? Und ob ich sie löschen kann, da sie sich auf meiner externen Festplatte befinden, welche für das Speichern von Dateien, wie z.B. Videos benutze.
Die Dateien waren plötzlich da gewesen.
The fact that the operating system depends on such a crap on an external hard drive can be excluded.
If you copy the videos like any other files, with the File Explorer or with commands like copy or xcopy, these folders are not necessary, and you can delete them. But then it is not clear how they have come about.
You may have concealed us that you store the videos with some special video software that it has created and needs.
thus in the root directory
then you will probably be dealing with installation routines by drivers or anything else, normally you can send them to the desert
ABER simply rename them, so put zzz- in front of the names, then restart the PC, work on a day, and if there is no protests from the system and/or charts, the directories can delete
that belong to the Windows Update. Don’t delete.