Orchideen & Adventssterne verhalten sich ungewöhnlich?
Hallo 🙂
Ich wollte mal fragen ob jemand anderes die gleichen Probleme hat wie ich und mir Tipps geben kann. Oder aber auch vielleicht eine Erklärung hat, warum das passiert.
1 . Weihnachtssterne/Adventssterne:
Diese Zimmerpflanzen leben jahrelang, aber haben einen sehr seltsamen Zyklus.
Jedes Jahr im Dezember werfen sie ALLE Blätter ab; sind über Weihnachten & Neujahr “nackt” ehe sie im Januar oben neue Blätter bekommen.
Dadurch habe ich nach ein paar Jahren 20-30cm kahle Stiele mit einer Art Blätterdach nur oben.
-> Bisher hat mir niemand sagen können warum sie das tun. Aber egal wie oft oder wann ich mir neue Pflanzen kaufe; egal ob Supermarkt oder Gärtnerei: Alle reagieren gleich….
Ein Florist hatte mal die Theorie, dass sie vielleicht blühen wollen, aber nicht genug Nährstoffe haben und ich sie jeden Herbst mal düngen soll (noch nicht getestet)
Ein Gärtner konnte mir nicht erklären warum meine Pflanzen sich so verhalten, aber hat einen Rückschnitt im Frühjahr empfohlen wenn sie unten kahl werden.
-> Weiß jemand warum sie das tun, oder was ich machen kann?
2 . Orchideen
Meine Mutter und meine Oma haben schon Orchideen länger als ich lebe. Alle stehen auf den Fensterbänken und blühen mindestens 2x im Jahr. Kein Dünger und nichts.
Ich mache alles so wie es mir beigebracht wurde. Ich habe sogar extra einen Feuchtigkeitsmesser, da ich meine erste Orchidee übergossen hatte.
Also sollte es theoretisch weder am Standort noch am Gießen liegen.
Ich kaufe sie wie üblich in der Blüte und nach einigen Wochen verblühen sie und dann sollten eigentlich die Stiele eintrocknet. Das dauert manchmal Monate. Aber im Gegensatz zu den Pflanzen bei meiner Mutter und Oma kommen nie neue Stiele. Stattdessen sind meine alle der Meinung unten aus der Basis neue Pflanzen wachsen zu lassen?
-> Was mache ich falsch? Warum bekommen meine Orchideen nie Stiele und Blüten, sondern bilden einen komplett neuen Wuchs?
Hier sind ein paar Bilder der Orchideen:
Orchidee 1 Phalaenopsis (glaube ich?) :
(der Zieharmonikawuchs kommt vom übergießen vor einigen Monaten)
Orchidee 2 Dendrobium : (die neue – im Herbst gekauft)
(Ich hatte 3 Orchideen. Eine Phalaenopsis, eine Dendrobie (neu) und was die dritte war, habe ich vergessen. Eine musste ich nach dem Übergießen wegwerfen. Glaube es war nicht die Phalaenopsis, aber ohne Blüten bin ich mir nicht mehr sicher welche welche war)
I can only tell you something about the Christmas star.
They lose the leaves when they get train. In some old buildings this can be a problem.
The plants are treated with dipping hormones so that they grow in a pot and bushy.After 2 – 3 years, they are gone and the plant washes like it is given by nature, shrub-like.
You can cut them quite radically.
If she is to blossom again, she can only have 12 hours of light from October. If there’s only one street lamp nearby, it’s enough not to bloom.
The best way to put a cardboard over the plant at night.
My balcony door pulls so I always have a towel.
Could that be a trigger? The air train without the towel is only felt on the floor, but the plant stands on a shelf on a somewhat ribbed height. The Christmas cactus, grass and the zebra flower seems to be nothing.
Last year (the new landlord took over and stood in front of a barely imaginable mountain of lack of fire protection, lawfulness, etc, which are now gradually processed according to urgency) I was told that we will soon get new windows – perhaps then also a dense balcony door. So far we had wooden windows, but the landlord never took care of it. No weather protection and nothing. Everything is turned off and the window in the bedroom that more rain comes down now also begins to mold inside. So I expect new windows this or next year
As a learned florist, I was taught to never cut off wolf milk creams. Even the cut poppy we always have to burn over a plant after cutting.
Does this also apply to the Advent star? So all the interfaces have to burn with the lighter so they don’t bleed out?
I live on a mountain slope xD
I don’t need to worry about street lights xD
The light from the neighbor I see more than the street lights xD
Only the football field illuminates from time to time to the entire mountain slope xD
Wood windows are not bad per se. Our are over 30 years old, well maintained and will last 30 years.
Some plants sid more sensitive to train than others and the Christmas star is now sensitive.
Most people extend the winter day with artificial light to over 12 hours. So use the box. It’s just a little trouble. he will thank you with beautiful blossom – but not if he already has a damage for train.
I’ve always cut mine radically without burning anything. But it can’t hurt.
Further fun with the plants
The main focus of wooden windows is on the “kept” our last master of the house has done nothing over a decade. We had neither fire extinguishers nor smoke detectors in the whole house…
These wooden windows are Morsch and leaky due to lack of care.
I didn’t want to call all the wooden windows bad.
I dispose of my Christmas stars to start with a new plant from the front. Maybe I wait with the purchase of the new plant to have new balcony doors and windows. Then I hope I don’t have any more draws problems 🙂
(At present I have one, but I broke it myself… was a nice three-coloured one with 3 colors on top sheets. Was so enthusiastic about the purchase of the two plants (the other was a Christmas cactus, also three-coloured) that my stupid I poured the Christmas cactus 2x and the Christmas star didn’t… he only has his leaves after he is almost dry and the Christmas cactus has lost most buds)
-> but there I was myself guilty xD
Probably the cheaply bought offers. These will be rejuvenated just before the sale so that they also flower beautifully. They also like to form delegators. This can then lead to problems if they don’t get fertilizer anymore. But that should be better after a reconciliation period. By the way, you have to completely submerge your orchids every 2 weeks in the pot with water and then, after 15 minutes, make the complete water out again. Orchids may not be poured normally and hate standing water. If they are still a little damp after two weeks, you can water the orchids a week later.
In addition, orchids do not like a full sun. The window to the north is usually best. The Phalaenopsis may always like to have warm 22-24..
Dendrobie, but not. It’s a hot-cold orchid. Tags warm 22-24 and night colder 18-20. In order to blossom it needs only cold for a few weeks (18 degrees). They are more difficult to maintain. In my very well-drained house this is only possible in summer. Then I’ll put these varieties outside. If I get them back in late summer, they’ll blossom.
I have to say the orchids were both from supermarkets. But the Phalaenopsis I bought at the same time with my mother (I bought 2 and she chose one) Her is absolutely normal and (believe I) has already blossomed again (Have the ones already over a year)
Therefore, I rather think it was because of the fertilizer because my mother has no new growth.
My mother and my grandmother have been pouring their orchids “normal” from above for years and they always blossom. They always form many air roots and all that. Mine don’t have one. I once tried to dip them, but then only the earth was blurred away from me.
I can’t say much about the temperature. But I don’t have my heating all the way. Only if I really eat. If it gets too warm or overnight, I’ll always do it. Does the Dendrobie think it should feel more comfortable then? So in the future, should I rather stick to dendrobias?
At my grandma, the heating runs almost all the way through the winter (they fry very fast) Perhaps their orchids feel more comfortable?
So I almost always have tshirts at home and run barefoot, but if I sit longer, I need a fabric blanket. So think 20° +/- it should be in the room with the orchids. Warmer when the heating is on and over the night it cools out again. Would a temperature meter be worthwhile at the window bench? (West window – all my windows show to southwest; the window with the orchids gets the sun last. Mostly from 17/18 clock)
The first picture you describe as Phalaenopsis is not. A Phalaenopsis does not get any drawarmonic leaves. They also do not come from pouring over, but from irregular casting, i.e. from too dry substrate. It could be a Miltonia or Cambria.
From the picture you should see the whole plant
Thanks for the tip. Then, when buying Phalaenopsis (or buy at least one to see how comfortable it feels xD)
But these here are much more complicated to bloom. Even when casting.
Phalaenopsis would be better suited for you. They would also blossom with you 2x /year. You can only kill them by pouring them over.
Good evening
So these new drives are normal/I’m not doing anything wrong?
And another user has already confirmed that this was not a Phalaenopsis. Didn’t know what I had to take away last year. Then it was probably the Phalaenopsis and I still have the other
These new drives are totally normal. If you treat the plant correctly, it will drive out of these later flowers (to last)
If you say here is a Phalaenopsis, you should see the whole plant from the blank image. They rarely get a Kindel (but look more like a new drive, so not Phal.)
Oh, a Cambria would be possible. The name seems to me dark. Then I probably have to dispose of the Phalaenopsis
Would it help if I add another picture? The plant is newer and just begins to develop this growth. Therefore, I had concentrated on pictures from nearby
At the Christmas Stars they have a natural rest break. Kaelte, unequal water supply can lead to premature sheet loss.
The plants you buy were treated with growth inhibitors, so they are compact. The formation of bluets takes place in the short day, in the direct control of the available daily noise. With a cardboard drueber stubble, this can also be simulated at home.
In the case of the orchids -> mrin father, she has sund in the garden oversummer. In autumn brought to the house, women’s shoe and cymbiias, each only one species, successfully vegetatively increased, bluete abundant in winter. No special care … my sister and I have no such happy hand with the orchids
Do you have to consider something during the rest break? And when is this?
I just know you can’t fertilize during the rest periods, but I’ve never fertilized my plants. My mother and my grandma neither.
How to make them flower, I know from my training. But I never tried intentionally. I actually like her without flowers. So they’re less important to me. Rather, they keep the fathers 🙂
I have no access to a garden or the like. Just to West windows. (I only have 2 (double) windows and all in the same direction)
The resting phase is when the driving force is reduced, an end bud is formed. Then only little giessen, to receive ded condition, also not duengen
You’re welcome
Oh, I can’t remember they got new shoots. Believe they have grown up only upwards without new side drives. But I can be wrong. Thanks for explaining:)
In the new year, the red bracts sometimes come with Seientriebe. These side drives sometimes set a growth break
How do I know? Is the drive of the stem meant when the flowers come? Both plants never had growth. Or if this new plant parts stop growing?
This is one of my two who look almost identical. Last year they started developing these red leaves at the same time in November – without covering, in a western window in a rather cool room . They are now 3 years old and always out in the summer. Gradually they throw away the leaves when I do not consistently pour in the summer. It actually looks as if they went into their natural growth form.
In the case of orchids I also have less luck, which you just have to “let” . With me it is luck and coincidence when they blossom again .
I dispose of my Christmas stars and therefore no current picture, But they looked as similar to this Google picture:
They always had wonderful green and healthy leaves – except December. But only Dezemper and for about 3-4 weeks….
Over Christmas and New Year they are completely bald. No more sheet…
It’s not about them looking like new bought… I just don’t want a palm tree
Autsch ….ja, such poor plums no one needs on the windowboard.This is understandable, mine would probably be more beautiful if I missed them a decent “cut”. Maybe in the spring then. I just wanted to show them because I really wonder why they got these beautiful red leaves. I will now deliberately keep the outer branches low and leave them the same in the middle. You have a lot of success with the orchids.
Thank you very much for your success:)
As I said, I do not really understand why the plant rejects ALL. If it were a few like my new ones (the ones I caused myself) I would understand…
And sometimes plants can easily feel comfortable even without perfect care ^^ See it simply as a sign that you care well about your plant 🙂