Orchidee wächst glaube ich nicht?

Hallo ich habe mir vor einem Jahr ein Orchidee gekauft. Die Blüten sind abgefallen nur jetzt denke ich das da keine neuen Blüten kommen ich habe eine Sache bemerkt die gewachsen ist (sie Bild)

ich weiß aber nicht was das ist. Kann mir jemand Tipps geben oder so, weil die Pflanze ist echt was besonderes für mich und ich möchte die nicht wegwerfen:(

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2 years ago

Hurra! She blossoms in 14 days. The flowers come from these inconspicuous spits. Careful – very careful! – bind to the bars. I broke a drive once.

2 years ago
Reply to  bielz54

Were these small brackets included when buying? They are very suitable. Be careful with the right drive, which grows so horizontally. You’d better take that or something. He must change the direction upwards. But really with care.

2 years ago

Yes, these are flower stems, they will flower if the stems have grown fresh. After flowering, they usually dry and you can cut them off. For the next flower, new ones are formed. Some flourish when they feel comfortable, even several times a year.

If you want to do something good with the little diva (it is not real on the picture): Put them in plank soil, but in orchid substrate (which looks like shredded tree bark).

Once or twice a week (when heat is more often), best on the sink, complete the overpot with slightly fertilized water (not much!) and let it “soften” a few minutes, so that the bark pieces can suck properly. Then let the excess water run out of the planter again a few minutes before you put it back into the overpot. In addition, you can also spray the leaves (at best with distilled water, which does not give spots).

Once pressed, you can also pour them “normal” so that all bark pieces become moist, but not too much. Water that collects down in the overpot, still pour on the same day, they don’t like standing in the water.

All one or two years should You exchange the substrate (the “earth”), cut dry roots and check if the pot is still large enough.

Plant also does not place directly on a south window, which like direct sunlight only limited.

Orchids are jungle plants that grow, for example, in south-east Asia in Astgabeln on large trees. That is why the strange roots and demands.