Optiker oder nicht?

Hallo, ich werde in 3 Wochen 14 aber ich habe bemerkt das ich nicht mehr gut sehen kann. Ich würde zum Optiker gehen aber es heißt das sie erst ab 14 Jahren einen Sehtest machen? Könnte ich trotzdem gehen es sind ja nur 3 Wochen?Und beim Augenarzt bekommt man früher kein Termin mehr.Ich würde auch mit einem Elternteil mitgehen.

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11 months ago

It is so that you should register with the ophthalmologist as up to 16. For the year of life, the pupils of a child should be wide-dip so that the natural accomodation of the ciliarmuscle is prevented. Your parents should accompany you to the appointment as you can see blurring until the next day. A sunglasses helps before glare.

This possibility does not exist in the optician, it measures the visual acuity, whereby the child can change the dioptrienzal due to the accomodation and this Nativ value is not the accurate Werrt for the glasses.

Would you try to measure the refraction (i.e. the dioptrics) of children without first expanding or expanding the pupils. to inhibit the lens play with it, one would possibly overlook very large deviations. Children can compensate up to 5 diopters for measurements without eye drops due to muscle work in the eye.

Compensate measurements without eye drops by muscle work in the eye.

Before examination with the skiascope (a slit-shaped light source) the eyes of the child are treated with eye drops, which extend the pupils and paralyze the ciliarmuscle. In the case of smaller children, the concentration of twice 0.5% cyclopentolate is chosen, and in the case of larger children the concentration of twice 1% cyclopentolate is chosen. After about 30 minutes of action after the second eye drops, the measurement can be started.

Cycloplegica are drugs that act on the nervous system and inhibit parasympathy, so that the accommodation is suppressed. The receptors of the ciliarmuscle and that of the pupil closer, the so-called musculus sphincter pupillae, are blocked (cycloplegia, mydriasis).


Good for you.

11 months ago


Of course, you can also have a visual test with the optician with 13 years. A parent of you is there.

Only that if you need glasses, your parents pay the glasses. There is therefore no health insurance grant to the glass – since the optician has no prescription from the ophthalmologist. This “aid” of the health insurance funds is, by the way, a federally defined amount. For a binoculars it is between 10,- to about 16,-€ per glass.


11 months ago

Yes go anyway.I am not yet 14 and with me they have also made a vision test.And better it is 3 weeks earlier than to wait forever.


11 months ago
Reply to  Alixnaa

In Krefeld and just knew the name not because I wanted to google and I noticed that it was an eye type……I’m so sorry.But optician is eyes + more

11 months ago

Opticsians must not in principle make a visual test with under 14 years old – even if a parent is involved, that is not the point.

Wait the three weeks and then you go

11 months ago
Reply to  Sabo8809

That’s wrong.

11 months ago

A good optician, (not A…o , f….n etc) can also measure under 14 visual strengths. However, you must then dispense with the cash benefit of €20-50.

Your decision