Operative Entfernung einer Eierstockzyste?
Hallo Zusammen,
Leider habe ich eine Zyste und mir droht eine OP, um diese am Eierstock zu entfernen.
Hat da jemand Erfahrungen? Wie wird die OP durchgeführt, was wird gemacht, welche Instrumente werden in den Körper ,,eingeführt”, was wird da genau gemacht?
Ich hoffe auf Erfahrungen.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Normally, this happens as Rapunzel324 wrote here – within the framework of a laparoscopy.
The Op itself is well described here:
I myself experienced both. Laparoscopy and laparatomy. Due to the problem that has arisen, in the midst of the op, it was forcibly “surrounded”.
This info is not intended to scare you. Was for me personally but a very beautiful crap back then.
Your female doctor will also provide you with detailed advice on your special case, if it really comes to an op.
All right!
I’ve read in an article that you probably get a hose in the urethra. Do you have any information? Or experiences?
Yeah, you get a bubble catheder placed before the procedure. That’s what I mean.
i.d. R. remove it after Op.
I myself kept it longer.
that’s usually not a big thing, it’s getting removed.
Thank you for the star!
…to be done!
Thank you.
This is done in all longer-lasting surgery. Under the anesthesia all muscles are slept, including the closing muscles of the bladder.
The bladder isn’t that bad. He was only laid with me when I was already in anesthesia. I didn’t get it.
later, I came after the intervention on the ITS, I was told that one had laid such a cat.
The bladder is laid by the urethra, yes. But you really don’t have to fear.
talk to your doctor at the Op-Preview and let you know!
Do you know why this is done? A bladder catheter is a bad idea for me. He’s put through the urethra/vagina, right?
The cyst is removed in the normal case under general anesthesia, within the framework of laparoscopy > abdominal mirroring. This is a minimal – invasive surgery > keyhole surgery. After the surgery, you’ll be in the wake room. Your vital functions are monitored there. If they are unfounded, you will be transferred to station.
If pain occurs due to gas > CO2, which is used in laparoscopy, you get a painkiller.
Before the surgery you have a conversation with the anesthetist, where you can ask all questions.
With me, however, it was not a cyst, as assumed, but a tumour that was good luckily. A polyp was removed simultaneously.
You don’t need to be afraid!
I wish you all the best!
Here is an info for you:
I’ve read in an article that you probably get a hose in the urethra. Do you have any information? Or experiences?
You get a bubble catheter. In the evening after the operation, the Katheder was removed from me. A little thing!
This depends entirely on the size of the cyst.
With my wife it was 30 centimeters.
And how was it removed?
Total operation everything was taken.