Opel Astra H GTC 1.4 mit Motorschaden. Wie viel springt noch raus?


Mein Opel (230.000 km) hat vor circa einem halben Jahr auf der Autobahn schlapp gemacht, sodass ich den Motor neugestartet habe, da er sonst kein Gas mehr gegeben hat. Motorleuchte hat dabei immer geblinkt. Ich habe in den nächsten Tagen bemerkt, dass er nur noch schlecht zieht. Daraufhin bin ich zur Opel-Werkstatt und habe den mal unter die Lupe nehmen lassen. Sie meinten, dass auf dem 4. Zylinder keine Kompression vorhanden ist und gaben mir noch einen Monat bis ich mich von meinem Auto verabschieden kann. Fahr ihn immernoch, jedoch mit nur dreiviertel der eigentlichen Leistung,

Nun ist meine Frage: Werden solche Autos überhaupt noch in irgendeiner Weise gekauft? Bin schon darauf eingestellt, dass nicht viel dabei rumkommen wird. Was denkt ihr, wie viel man den vielleicht mal ins Internet stellen kann? (Gekauft hab ich ihn für 2500€)

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4 years ago

This depends on: How good is the general condition, what can a craft still use theorethically and are there new parts? Does it have air conditioning (was not series), and what year is the Astra?

It would be more lucrative to slaughter the Opel itself, but time, competence and space are needed for this. However, I would try to sell the better set of tires, aluminium rims or a good radio etc. separately – then one or the other Fuffi can jump out.

I say this: Put in the advertisement the advantages of your car (e.g. well-kept interior, good sheet metal, no rust, various new items from the last year with invoices etc.) and write it out with perhaps 700 euros – consciously upheld. If there’s something going out between 200 and 600 euros at the end, it’s a business you can be satisfied with. I would never announce the phone number on such cheap cars online, otherwise Hinz and Kunz will call you in bad German with 50 Euro bids (mei, they’re trying) at absolutely insidious times – and are often still relatively penetrant, you really don’t have to admit.

scraping has become relatively expensive or free if the car can still be delivered on its own axis – simply try to offer it, but do not hesitate to use the word “against bid”: People think that someone wants a lot of money for a junk pile and quickly click on it.

Good luck on sale!

4 years ago

Much isn’t there because many can’t use such a thing, best would be to scrape it

4 years ago

and gave me another month until I can say goodbye to my car

How long has that been?

How is the condition of the remaining car?

4 years ago

Depends on the specific vehicle.