Opa hat Fuchs mit Stein erschlagen?


also ich bin mit meinem Opa spazieren gegangen mit seinem Hund. Dann sind wir an einer Scheune vorbeigegangen. Der Hund hat aber immer in Richtung der Scheune gezogen und geschnüffelt. Dann hab ich halt reingeschaut, da sie offen war. Ich sah ganz hinten im Eck einen Fuchs liegen. Hab das auch meinem Opa gesagt. Als er ihn sah meinte er er sei krank. Der Fuchs sah auch krank aus. Er verlor Fell der Schwanz war kahl, überall fehlte Fell und er sah extrem abgemagert aus. Nachdem mein Opa das sah nahm er einen großen Stein und warf ihn auf den Fuchs. Ich hoffe er war sofort tod, denn ich konnte das nicht mit anschauen. Mein Opa meinte aber, er war gleich tod. Dannach hat er irgendeinen angerufen, der dafür da ist, tote Tiere zu entsorgen und gesagt, er hätte den Fuch hier tod liegend gefunden. Jetzt frage ich mich, ob es nicht bessergewesen wäre den Fuchs lebend liegen zu lassen oder den Tierarzt zum einschläfern zu holen? Der Fuchs tat mir nämlich Leid. Danke im Vorraus!

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1 year ago

Some people have a butcherishment. 🤷

It was probably even justified.

1 year ago
Reply to  NikkiMM

It was probably even justified.

And on which “scientific” basis is this statement based?

1 year ago
Reply to  NikkiMM

Sorry, forget my previous comment!
I have read the sentence of you completely wrong and could no longer correct the comment in time. 🤦

I agree with you that from my point of view it was also justified for the animal (right position back or forth).

This sounded in the fox after a very strong incense. The Grandpa did the only right thing, he quickly redeemed the animal from his suffering.

“Metzgermentality” is probably just for people who believe that food grows in plastic packaging on the shelf. Many are no longer aware of reality. I’m pulling my hat in front of the grandpa and he had the mum to redeem the animal from his suffering. From my point of view, this has something to do with animal love and consequence in action. You can’t claim to be animal love and then stand without action and watch an animal torment. 🤷

1 year ago

I think it was good.

Ready and ready.

1 year ago

He did the right thing. A hit on the head is stunned and kills at the same time. Waiting for a veterinarian would probably have caused more suffering.

Your grandpa has courage.

1 year ago

The fox looked sick too. He lost fur the tail was bald, everywhere lacking fur and he looked extremely thin.

That sounds like a strong infestation. The fox has only tormented, and your grandpa has redeemed him, even in a way uninhabited for you.

Whether his method was the right one (he could have inadvertently hurt the fox with the stone) and whether he would have thrown it at all, these are again other questions. But “under the line” he immediately ended the suffering for the fox.

Now I’m wondering if it wasn’t better-being to leave the fox alive or get the veterinarian to fall asleep?

What difference would that make?

The fox would have suffered for a longer time, the veterinarian might not have gone close enough to not be bitten by the fox. And then? Even if the veterinarian had come up, that would have cost a lot of money and the result would have been the same.

I was sorry for the fox.

Should the fox have to torment himself longer than is necessary because of “dir sorry”? Or isn’t it much better to finish the fox as soon as possible as your grandpa did?

The longer you stand and only look at the longer you get the fox. Sometimes the morally correct decisions are hard to look at when you are not used to it.

1 year ago

If this fox – very obviously – was ill with dams or incense, then your grandpa has redeemed him…

Whether he was allowed to do this is on another sheet!

The “sleeping” in the TA practice would have meant an increase in the agony for this poor animal – a fox is a wild animal and therefore no contact with people was used…

Until you reach a hunter, it can take…

The police aren’t responsible here.

I hope your grandpa’s consciousness, what he did – and it has done it with minimal torment for the sake of the little fox.

I also hope your dog is vaccinated.

I have found several dead foxes, which are “cracked” by the incense – not a beautiful sight, because they obviously died painfully!

1 year ago

Joa – that was the wrong decision. Just because you were there. He should’ve sent you outside so you wouldn’t suffer trauma.

1 year ago

Legally, he should have called the local killer or hunter. I don’t see a problem killing him like that.

I once found a rehkitz, which probably came to the combine harvester, had only one leg.

But I called the police who shot the animal.

1 year ago
Reply to  MyMiniMedie6th

I’ve already been gazing before the “Mahd” – have already found dead (famous) kitt…

The mothers were looking for them for days – not beautiful!

1 year ago

Your grandpa certainly knew what he was doing, the fox has retreated to the barn to die because he was very sick, and if he had pain, your grandpa has redeemed him, something unusual but nevertheless very fast.

1 year ago

It sounds brutal, but if the animal was already severely injured, it was a good deed from your grandpa. Of course, it would have been possible to save the animal, but that would be a lot of stress.

1 year ago
Reply to  JUVE98Florian

Of course you could have saved the animal

What do you think?

1 year ago
Reply to  JUVE98Florian

No – at this stage, healing would be impossible…

Apart from the fact that a wild animal should not be allowed to do this – it can already die in shock…

1 year ago

If your grandpa did everything right and so it sounds, it was right to redeem the animal as soon as possible. Unfortunately, many cannot.

1 year ago

with a stone it is already brutal but as you describe it was the right one, your opa has redeemed the fuchs of his suffering. Normally, you do that with a shot, but you don’t have a weapon in yourself. That was good

1 year ago

What your grandpa did was the right thing. The fox has suffered and your grandpa has made him a quick end. As a rule, this would have done nature, only much slower. Could have been that the fox had any illness.

1 year ago
Reply to  AlbertHnsl

Could have been that the fox had any diseases.

Yeah, that sounded like a very strong case of robbery. You could have been as human as any pets.

1 year ago

If your grandpa is so sick in Bälde – let’s see if he wants to be beaten with a stone. Ask him.

1 year ago
Reply to  cas65

was the only right thing;)

1 year ago
Reply to  cas65

Are you serious?

Most “parents” are given the grace to redeem them if they are seriously ill and have to suffer…