Online Banking?
Werde zwar bald 18 aber habe keinen Bock mehr zu warten, um mir endlich sachen bestellen zu können. Hat jemand Bezahl- Alternativen zu Paypal und Klarna, das ist ja alles ab 18.
Werde zwar bald 18 aber habe keinen Bock mehr zu warten, um mir endlich sachen bestellen zu können. Hat jemand Bezahl- Alternativen zu Paypal und Klarna, das ist ja alles ab 18.
Hallo ich habe letztens so eine Rechnung bekommen die nicht von mir war. Da ich nicht auf Rechnung bestelle. Ich habe sie ignoriert und auch keine Briefe mehr bekommen. Da gibt’s doch solche Betrüger die Rechnungen einfach an andere Namen und Adressen bestellen. Ich frage mich jetzt wenn ich so eine Rechnung bekomme und der…
ich habe klarna, und habe damit schon öfter gezahlt und hatte keine schulden bis jetzt, hab 90€ schulden bin aber minderjährig. Was kommt da für eine strafe auf mich zu? nichts sagen mit deine schuld.
Mir wurde ein Paket zurückgeschickt mit der Begründung, dass die Adresse (in Deutschland) falsch oder unvollständig sei. Dann habe ich nochmal den Käufer gefragt und sehe, dass die Adresse aber zu 100% richtig ist. Sogar bei google sieht man sofort wo das ist. Das ist eine Wohnung direkt an einer Straße. Kein abgelegener Ort oder…
Hallo, ich habe bisher mit dem Thema Nähen nichts zu tun gehabt. Jetzt überlege ich, “kaputte” Kleidung (z.B. Jeans, die im Schritt gerissen sind) mit der Nähmaschine zu reparieren. Schafft man das auch als totaler Anfänger oder benötigt es viel Mühe und Zeit sich dort einzuarbeiten?
Ich habe bisher noch keinerlei Erfahrungen auf Vinted sammeln können. Ist die Plattform sicher, um Klamotten zu verkaufen und wie hoch ist das Risiko betrogen werden zu können. Inwiefern ist Betrug durch Käufer möglich?
Unfortunately, apart from transfers from the student account not yet. it would be a business idea.
I could imagine, for example, that PayPAL offers something like a student account. then not automaitsch is debited from the current account, but you have to charge the necessary amount (or more) to the account yourself before you buy something.
No. Paypal is first from 18J allowed – without exception.
I’m not saying you can or can handle it like that! I said it was a business idea!
Can you suggest Paypal?
I am, however, very sure that they know best how it works best for them.
what do you think how much clientel would break away if they were really seven?
It is only effective to ensure that the young people spend only the money they have, and that is exactly what they have to do. And that is why you could make sure that you pay a PAY PAL payment, which is just on credit.
The young people would certainly find it good.
But online providers already have their reasons why they don’t want minors. There is no reason for the providers and no incentive to change anything.
that’s right, but you could think about going down to at least 16 if a safe, parent-verifiable payment method would be possible. if one would say in a rigid way: “this is prescript” that we have always done that would not develop a new one.
But not for Paypal!
Paypal generally rejects minors.
Apart from that, almost all online shops are also from 18J anyway.
Online banking is available at savings banks from 10 years.
Prepayment by bank transfer usually goes.
In any case, if the online store accepts your order with possibly incorrectly specified date of birth.
It’s not no. Must also wait:)
For Paypal and Klarna, there are no alternatives for minors, as you have to be fully operational and creditable for such types of payment.
In addition, almost all online shops in principle only from 18J allowed.
Amazon, eBay, Vinted, Zalando, Shein,… and almost all others => All from 18J.
Most online shops therefore deliberately only offer types of payment that are for full-years.
Many use Paypal, for example, even if they are not yet 18. I do not, of course,
Irregular PayPal application with fake date of birth to pretend that you would be full-year, although you are underage, that is Data falsification and Identity fraud => Crime in accordance with §269 StGB.
Read it.
I’m aware of that. I just said there were many. The only thing that can threaten you is blocking the Paypal account.
“Danger” can be much more – it’s about a crime.
Current practice is the lifelong barrier. This can change at any time.
No one who won’t leave 18
S Paarkassen girokonto, am in couple days 17 and use it already is that I am 15.
Got a current account from the Volksbank. Do you know if you have to let anything go of the bank, or can you just use it for online banking?
So I’d just go to the bank once you opened it, so you got an advisory person? You could call them.
in the rule that you are going through very easy, at the spaarkasse it is via an app, at the volksbank it is definitely the same.
Talk to them
You can still use Paypal, specify other age.
Irregular PayPal application with fake date of birth to pretend that you would be full-year, although you are underage, that is Data falsification and Identity fraud => Crime in accordance with §269 StGB.
Read it.
Why do you write such comments would interest me, who brings what if you write that?
And after juvenile justice?