One Piece: Buggy als Kaiser?
Wie findet ihr so, dass Buggy der Clown Pirat zum Kaiser geworden ist?
Vor allem „befehligt“ er den Mafiaboss Crocodile und den besten Schwertkämpfer überhaupt Mihawk.
Wie findet ihr so die Episode, wie Buggy zum Kaiser wurde? 😂
So I find disabled, but also funny, must say that fits to One Piece 😂 or Buggy, I ask myself more what if Mihawk or Crocodile have different plans what would happen then
This would also be exciting.
I can imagine that Buggy is moving away at this moment and is missing everywhere. Or his idiot crew’s gonna bring him back in some trouble.
What many represent as sweat, what I can understand, is that he is part of Gol D. Roger crew was and many evidence as well as experience gathered, he also has quite much luck, and would help the marine much more.
I’m sorry for him, he doesn’t have much to laugh as a target. xD
Buggy is overlooked King of Pirates 👀
Especially as he became an emperor. 😂
Buggy is also a character that lies happiness in misfortune or rather misfortune in luck.
The brother lives dangerous xD
Well, he’s got at least a long resume.
He was with the crew of the pirate king, he ate a devil fruit, he could build his own “arm”, he broke out from the most dangerous and best protected prison, he could “ recruit Crocodile and Mihawk”.
I forgot something good.
Aja is right and he could destroy the only Ruffy’s straw hat.
I find it funny how ignorant the marine is😂
Especially the posters were created by his idiot crew and distributed through the world and everyone still believes the crap.
Buggy has some bad luck in the luck cases.
Above all, the Marine Buggy looks more dangerous than Ruffy.
yes is really sad😂