Omega 3 Tabletten aus Fischöl zerkauen?

Hallo ich habe zuhause Omega 3 Kapseln 1000mg aus Fischöl.

Könnte man die nicht auch einfach zerkauen weil da ist ja nur Fischöl drin oder?

Oder müssen die sich erst im Magen auflösen.

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2 years ago

It would probably not make a difference in the mode of operation, because the oil comes into your stomach or something… but I wouldn’t recommend eating them. I only know this from capsules with castor oil, but in which I get the shiver now and I’m getting sick when I only think of the disgusting taste. And they weren’t pissed.

Omega 3 I swallowed once, and there was even worse the taste of the non-puffed capsule.

2 years ago

As far as I know, you could open it and then swallow it. But will probably taste disgusting.

My friend sells Life Plus. There’s that as a liquid for taking in. Tastes like orange. Even their children take it.

If you’re interested, I’ll let you know what you’re doing.

2 years ago

It’s guaranteed, but I wouldn’t recommend it, I can’t get it down (because of the taste), if you were to bite it up, I think it would taste even worse.

2 years ago

It only tastes disgusting when it comes to chew.