Oma spielt sich so sehr in Mutterrolle?
Hallo 🙋♀️
ich wohne bei meinen Schwiegereltern mit im Haus mein Sohn 14 Monate alt sagt ungefähr seit 1/2 Wochen Mama auf seine Oma und sie antworte dann immer ja er ist zurzeit total besessen von ihr ich hab ich nie wirklich dort gelassen außer wenn die ihn mal eben mit einkaufen genommen hat ansonsten nie bei ihr gelassen aber sie sagt mir auch andauert was ich zu tun haben wann ich mein Kind was zu essen gehen soll ich kann mein Kind doch nicht denn ganzen Tag mit 10 Mahlzeiten füttern wenn. Er das nicht möchte aber ich weis einfach nicht weiter wie ich mein Sohn es ist zwar die Oma aber das ist zu viel er sagt schon Mama auf sie weint wenn sie weg geht und er lauft ihr denn ganzen Tag wie ein Küken hinterher 🥺 ich weis einfach nicht wie ich ihn los bekommen kann von ihr
Oh, you arms!
But many grandmothers love their grandchildren, sometimes even more than their own. Besides, she needs a job. And your child is right. You could show her she’s an enrichment, but you’re the mother. Just say when you want to have your rest, or make your suggestions when to cook or bake something. And if you are all intelligent, or the problem is addressed with love and patience, then you will find a central path slowly but surely as a whole. Then something like that can be beautiful. Goodbye!
Good evening, I’m very sorry for you. If you have your own apartment, then talk to her that her visits are too much for you. For toddlers it is often so interesting that other people are very interesting when he says to her mom, then always tell him the word OMA, you can repeat quite often. When I died, I wouldn’t let myself in, it’s your child. As I said, make fixed appointments when they can be with you. Always stay nice and quiet so it doesn’t escalate.
That he says Mama’s not bad anymore. He can’t distinguish it yet.
Don’t you have your own (closed) area for you?
So we already have our own but it’s all going to play out in their house because we wait until we move around and this happens only July then we live alone for us but this is then only 500 meters further to live
Then move back to your area. 500m is already a distance. Then you’re not in her house anymore, and she doesn’t have to be with you. I’d communicate that clearly.
My parents also live 800m away, but the children don’t see them daily.
It’s just a fact:
It does not work under any circumstances when two generations live together. Pulling out this will not be better
My oma was never that that was always like anoma
There are very few exceptions, with most it does not work
with me oma lives in the same city (city is not very big) drive from me to my oma vlt 10 min my mama lives here
And that’s exactly what I’d be annoyed, I’m glad that my parents live 440 km away and the mother-in-laws have 80 km away from us. So it’s perfect
the only thing when my mother said what there is nix sweet then my oma always let him say