Oma lässt Kind im garten machen?
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Mein Sohn Moritz ist grad beim sauberwerden (2,5 Jahre) Jetzt teilte mir meine Schwiegermutter mit wie lustig er das gefunden hat in den Garten zu pinkeln. Mit Bild, auf dem Man ihn von vorne sieht! Und das er das heut 2 mal gemacht hat.
Als ich dann sage das mir schon lieber wär wenn er aufs Klo oder auf den Topf geht, war sie erstaunt. Ich habe sie auch darauf hingewiesen das ich zum See extra einen Topf mitnehme. Sie meinte,das sei doch gleich wenn die Kinder dort hin-pinkeln???Ich habe ihr gesagt das sie das lassen soll in Zukunft, sie war doch überrascht. Sehe ich das zu eng? Danke und lg
I wouldn’t be upset about your son spinning into the garden. I’d take a lot about your mother making pictures of your son. You’re wearing a pot, I’m gonna find total humbug. It doesn’t hurt anyone. Hünde can also spin everywhere, so it doesn’t hurt when a child does it quickly. And if it’s your mother’s garden. I think it’s really good that she wants to practice it with him.
Your son will come to many moments in his later life where there is no potty that he can use or it is just too embarrassing. For example, during trips with the school or kindergarten. There are sometimes trips and there is not always a toilet. If my young boy had taken a pot, he would certainly have been looked at or even laughed.
If your son learns from you that it’s not okay to spin everywhere, he’ll surely also learn that he won’t become a wild-pink.
I think it’s OK for a 2.5-year-old to pull a certain place in the garden. Yes, the children have fun (boys like girls – if you leave them), and cleansing may also happen playfully. This makes the process for the child much more interesting and successful than when one only addresses them bluntly.
And if I’m sorry to say this, but to wear a little bite behind a child everywhere, I think it’s much more awkward when the child gets into the bush somewhere. What do you do when you walk in nature and he needs to do it? With 7/8 years tow a little bit? Would you like to give one more of the school for the hiking day? Or tell him he’ll have to stop for hours until you get past a toilet? The latter is not only unhealthy, but also insane.
And no, from a KIND that was allowed to make a bush in the garden or in the park, will not later automatically become a reckless wild-pink.
Your rules, with Grandma’s rules. Children are good at it.
Peeing into the garden is absolutely fine … which is not ok is to make photos/videos of it and to ship over the internet! I’d be mad.
Your child, your rules. You don’t have to ask strange people.