Ölwechsel ausgesetzt?
Ich habe mir ein gebrauchtes Auto gekauft einen Opel Astra H BJ. 2007.
Inspektion und damit Öl,- und -filterwechsel wurde zuletzt 2018 also vor etwas mehr als 2 Jahren gemacht. Seitdem ca. 2tkm gefahren.
Ich habe natürlich vor, das Öl baldmöglichst zu wechseln, aber ist es schlimm, wenn ich die Überführungsfahrt von ca. 150Km mit dem Alten Öl mache. Das Auto hat keinen Verlust also sollte noch zumindest die vorgegebene Menge Öl drinnen sein.
Mir geht es vor allem um das Alter und um mögliches Wasser im Öl. Wobei eine Probefahrt schon gemacht wurde…
Schon Mal danke für alle Antworten.
If there was only 2,000 km driving, it’s not a problem at all to drive the 150 km home.
You can also drive 1500 km without much happening.
Yes, oil also ages and many manufacturers write annual oil change intervals, but there are also vehicles without this annual duty. There it goes pure about the driving power or the oil turbidity. And there can be the demand for oil change only after two years.
You should check the oil level when buying a used vehicle before you drive home. Actually, before buying the tour. Like all other liquid levels.
If there is no problem, however, if a higher proportion of water in the oil is actually present, this will appear on the cover of the filler neck. I would warm the car slowly until the operating temperature is reached.
Only then can you demand the car a little more power and are on the safe side. that all liquids must be tested first
Also that after a purchase all liquids are exchanged with filters to be at stand zero .. also makes sense . I generally handle it and have only had good experiences.
You can do it.
Of course you can still drive with the oil. If it must be 1,500 or even 15,000 KM.
With that old oil? But he won’t thank him.
Two years and 2,000 km, that’s not sooo old.
So fast oil does not age, what should happen big?
He can’t get away with it. The amount of oil must be / should be correct. Your 10,000 KM change is completely exaggerated and only brings something positive to the workshops.
Modern oils also easily last longer than 12 months. And “Even if a car does a lot of stand it does not make the oil very good” is of course nonsense, because an oil is predominantly “used” when the engine is running and not when the engine is standing.
You will not be able to measure wear.
Oil should be changed annually. Especially if a car does a lot of stand it does not make the oil very good.
He’s not going to be chased. Nevertheless, he has increased wear during this time.
I change every 40-50.000 KM and it hasn’t hurt my Toyota for over 700,000 KM.
You can measure the amount of oil. That should be the smaller problem.
Oil change should be at least. 1 times a year or every 10,000 kilometers.
The crossing should not be a huge problem now. However, this certainly does not do the engine well.
It won’t make the engine look good. The oil ageing is not so drastic.
And 10,000 intervals have not been required for current oils for a long time. From a 40.000 interval for a Euro 5 or Euro 6 diesel, as some vehicle manufacturers have, I do not think anything, but 15- 20,000 km are good.
Every car you ask: at least every 15,000km.
I don’t see a problem now, but oil including filter should be changed asap