Ölmalstifte mit Hülse verlängern?
Hat jemand eine Idee, wie man Ölstifte, Durchmesser 20mm verlängern kann? Also entsprechende Tülle, Hülse, etc., anzunehmenderweise in PVC.
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Danke für Tipps!
Hat jemand eine Idee, wie man Ölstifte, Durchmesser 20mm verlängern kann? Also entsprechende Tülle, Hülse, etc., anzunehmenderweise in PVC.
Wie heißt so ein Artikel?
Danke für Tipps!
Welchen Baumarkt bevorzugt ihr so?
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Hiiiiiiiii Ich hab mir eine Maske,Ohren und einen Schweif gemacht und wollte Fragen wie ihr die findet! MVLG eure Lemisa Ps:Wolf
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hi, wir müssen in kunst etwas zeichnen, das mit weihnachtszeit zu tun hat. kann alles mögliche sein, hauptsache mit weihnachtszeit (nicht nur weihnachten!) und es soll originell sein. habt ihr irgendwelche ideen was ich zeichnen kann? danke schonmal, ilovebundeswehr
It could be tried with protective tubes to mount cables in wet rooms.
Alternatively, with a droplet of water-soluble adhesive, glue a sheet of paper laterally to the rear end of the oil pin and tightly wrap it around to form an extension. Finally secure with a few drops of adhesive against rolling.
You can also attach a piece of round wood with a paper cuff.
Interesting! I also imagined that with the pipe – hope to find one that fits. The paper cuff is not so elegant, but I could try it as an alternative.
The point is that the pen, which is relatively thick (2cm diameter), is well in the hand for drawing. Without extension, the center of gravity does not have an upper despitch, and the pin lies plump and hard in the hand, as too short and does not swing.
A supplement to the protective tubes: If the pipes do not fit completely, you can cut them in front crosswise and then clamp them around the pin with a rubber, like a collet chuck for drilling machines.
We should work together – but a rubber is not enough – it must be a thin flower wire that we twisted together, even with the pliers at the end. Then the pin stops properly. But it’s easier to widen the pipe with heat and a wood spade, then the pin can be inserted and holds perfectly from itself.