The oil lamp lights up. What's wrong?

FYI: I bought a 2008 Hyundai i20 pb used in March with 104,000 km on the clock. A family member is a trained mechanic and supposedly changed the oil. But I don't really believe that he did one, or he did one but didn't add enough oil. I can imagine that, but he won't admit it. I wouldn't put it past him… he's not exactly the most tidy person.

The problem: After work, I drove to the savings bank and wanted to park. I was just about to turn off the engine normally when I noticed that the red oil light had suddenly turned on and there was a brief clicking noise in the engine compartment. I turned it off immediately and waited for my father. All day and for the last few days, no light had been on, and I REALLY didn't hear anything, and he didn't drive any differently. I'm always very careful and let him know immediately if I notice anything, but it was nothing.

Then we checked the oil level, there was absolutely nothing in it!! ("oil change" supposedly done in March/beginning of April. I think he didn't top up enough after that. Hope). We then filled it up quite a bit and then started it up again. There was a clattering noise once, very briefly, when starting it up, but then it was back to normal. The light went out immediately when starting it up. We hoped that my car would cope and luckily it did. I was really scared.

It's not leaking any oil from the outside, and the engine compartment is clean. It's not spitting out anything black, either. So everything's dry and clean.

Our mechanic just took another look, but he doesn't know where it's coming from either. He says there's nothing wrong with the engine, though. I'll check the oil level every day or two to see if it's getting worse.

He did say, however, that the hydraulic tappets were rattling. They needed to be replaced. But it wasn't a big deal.

Could the rattling noise from the hydraulic tappets be caused by the fact that there was no oil in them this afternoon? Unfortunately, I don't know if it was the case before. It could be, but I can't remember for sure.

I'm really worried now.

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3 years ago

Wenn kein Öldruck da ist, dann kommt auch kein Öl in die Hydrostößel und durch den Motorlauf werden diese “Leer” gedrückt, somit klappern diese dann.
Den Ölstand sollte man bei einem Hyundai immer im Auge behalten, denn diese haben keine Gelbe “Vorwarnlampe” und wenn die Rote Lampe angeht ist eigentlich schon stehen bleiben und ausmachen angesagt.
Haben in der Werkstatt auch schon einen Motor deswegen wechseln müssen, die Dame ist mehrfach ohne Öl gefahren und hat dadurch den Ölverbrauch erhöht und der Motor hat immer mehr Öl gefressen

3 years ago

wenn es nur kurz war, passiert dort garnichts. wenn Hydrostößel “Leer laufen”, brauchen sie auch ein paar sekunden/Minuten, bis diese wieder voll sind und bis auf das Klackergeräusch ist dort eher wenig zu erwarten.
Ein Motor kann auch komplett ohne Schmierung einige zeit laufen. Ab einen bestimmten Punkt, fängt er an schaden zu nehmen. aber wenn es nur kurz war passiert hier im Normalfall garnix