Olivenöl im Backofen – Temperatur?
Hallo zusammen,
welche Temperatur sollte man für extra natives Olivenöl im Backofen verwenden. Ober- und Unterhitze bei 200 Grad mit reichlich Flüssigkeit. Also es wird quasi ein Auflauf gemacht. Darf man mit dem Dennree nativ extra Olivenöl in der Beimischung als Auflauf die Gradzahl von 200 zulassen?
Danke vorab.
180-230 degrees depending on type.
Refined has higher smoke points. Native or natural as is often written is rather at the lower end.
Olive oil of this type has a smoke point of about 180 degrees. Means you should not heat it more than 180 degrees. This should be done in a run-up, because it does not reach the full 200 degrees that the furnace produces in total. In the case of something like furnace vegetables, however, I would prefer to use a different oil with a higher smoke point, since here at least some times more temperature in the oil is likely to arrive.
Is that what if I cut the oven down to 180 degrees after the food inside?
To answer that later. The oil must reach this heat. If you put it in the oven, it won’t get warm immediately. How long this takes is totally dependent on where the oil is in the court and how long you have it and what it has contact with, because it also gives off heat to make colder. Whether this is 5 or 10 minutes can’t tell you and is different depending on the situation. So just don’t do it.