Olivenöl als Kalorienersatz?

Hey, ich kämpfe mit dem zunehmen, und viel zu essen fällt mir oft schwer da nicht viel in mein Magen passt und ich auf teilweise keinen Appetit verspüre ( war auch oft beim Arzt alles zwecklos). Zur Zeit achte ich aber mehr darauf mehr zu essen. Ich trinke dazu auch täglich um die 50-70 ml Olivenöl da dass ja echt viele Kalorien hat. Kann man von puren Oliven Öl zunehmen? Egal ob jetzt gesund oder ungesund ich will einfach um jeden Preis zunehmen und frage mich wenn mein Kalorienbedarf um zuzunehmen bei knapp 3000 sind ich aber nur 2000 vom Essen her schaffe, nehme ich dann trotzdem zu wenn ich den Rest der Kalorien mit Olivenöl ausbalanciere?

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2 years ago

You take if your calorie intake exceeds your calorie consumption. Whether it’s drinks, cheese or olive oil.

Per 7000 kilocalories that are in plus with your calorie balance, you will add 1 kg of body fat.

Since olive oil, heaps of calories you can certainly increase well. You may be able to look at the recipes of self-made shakes from bodybuilders, as they need calories.

2 years ago

Fat makes fat…

In addition, isolates (e.g.: edible oil, salt, sugar-raffinates, animal products) should be avoided…

What speaks against nuts or whole olives (without stone)? Or peas? Or rice?

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2 years ago
Reply to  LUKEars

Peas and rice to increase??

2 years ago
Reply to  Ichmagkekse185

Yeah… proteins… and for that, well run or push-ups… crunches…

2 years ago

but… do you have to… where should these “essential amino acids” come from? Animals can make them as little as humans…

2 years ago

Why that’s what you need to read, I’m honestly not sure. Anyone can do as he wants is just a tip to get the most out of the training. But that plants do not all possess essential amino acids for us should be clear

2 years ago

Essential amino acids are also available in vegan food… where are the animals supposed to have the stuff?

I can’t believe that my body incorporates a piece of animal meat into my muscles… that we’re cutting everything apart… even the fat is made smaller with lipase iwi…

2 years ago

the second link doesn’t go…

the first leads me to contradictory vow…

2 years ago

och… that with valence is old rumor… I can’t imagine a piece of pig muscles being built 1:1 into my muscles… this is probably completely disassembled before installation…

If you eat Kidney beans, chickpeas, rice, kernels and nuts, then you have the full program…

2 years ago

only have about 6g of protein on 100g. In addition, one also has to pay attention to the value, which is very poor in most herbal foods.

2 years ago

aren’t huge proteins in the heirs? I eat a lot of and they also have little fat…

2 years ago

Peas and proteins do not fit together

2 years ago

Yes all that calorie has helped to increase… I like to take dributter, which also has other nutrients besides fat. (which does not make olive oil so unhealthy)

2 years ago

You get diarrhea from so much oil and nix stays hanging. Get energy drinks with lots of calories. Limo, fruit juices, candies with sugar,

2 years ago
Reply to  Glueckwunsch49

Much sugar is never a good idea.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ichmagkekse185

Better than massive olive oil. She needs a lot of calories. Food doesn’t work so well.

2 years ago

So I don’t know how big your glasses are but okay. Mys are not only 150ml tall. RESPEKT!

2 years ago

She wants to take over 1000 kcal only with olive oil, this is about a 3/4 glass full! And you think there’s no diarrhea? Yes, RESPEKT!

2 years ago

So I have no problems with diarrhea. I ask for a little respect

2 years ago

To get diarrhea and everything out. Sure! Dumb! Just stupid!

2 years ago

Olive oil would still be my choice

2 years ago

Try it with malt beer, fresh milk from the farmer! Does everything have a lot of calories

2 years ago

1000kcal in oil… you’ll be released to freedom in the toilet in 2000…