Olight Baton 3 Pro oder Anker LC130?

Hi, ich bin aktuell auf der Suche nach einer wirklich hellen, zuverlässigen (Taschen-)Lampe. Ich bin mir nur nicht sicher, ob ich die LC130 oder Baton 3 Pro nehmen sollte, und ob das überhaupt Sinnig wäre.

Habe aktuell eine Anker LC40 und finde diese gut, nur ist diese mir einfach um einiges zu Dunkel.

Welche Taschenlampe ist hier eine gute Wahl?

Vielen Dank im Vorraus!

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2 years ago

The anchor is already very large.

Wurkkos, Sofirn and co. have very good lamps for relatively little money.

This is very good for everyday life:


2 years ago

I did not have any negative experiences with the company. Only the price is “utopian” high, as I find. Would therefore advise you to buy during a sale. You have to decide.


2 years ago

I would even take a little more money into my hands and consider these: Nextorch TA30

2 years ago
Reply to  Waldmensch70

Why always the Nextorch? It’s now very obsolete.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kingnick13

Why always the Nextorch?

Why not? I can recommend it from my own experience because I use it regularly and I still believe it is a very good flashlight.

It’s now very obsolete.

And why “exounced”? What does the release date say about whether a thing is deaf? Since when is “new” necessarily “better”?

2 years ago

What is so special about the Nextorch that you should spend so much money for

If you know that I have already recommended them several times, you know my previous amounts. You write yourself:

Why always the Nextorch?

And then you can (or ) read my points that I find good at the lamp.

And in general:

I don’t have to “defend” my opinion before you.

I have no interest in discussing this. We all have been asked a little by the questioner →minepersonal opinion. That’s all. You can do the sameYoursTo answer the questioner.

There is nothing here in my answer that is in fact wrong and therefore to be corrected in a comment written by third parties. It’s aOpinionand I can have that.

Not mean evil against you, but I just don’t want to keep the answering of the opinion here to have the other believe to have to raise a discussion in the comments. Apparently, it’s hard for some to just take other opinions.

2 years ago

What is so special about the Nextorch that you should spend so much money for

2 years ago

Meanwhile you get flashlights with lots of power for very little money

Yeah. That’s what happened years ago. So what? That’s what it says? Eben, nothing. Because it’s a “empty” argument. Because I have recommended the lamp due to certain properties and not due to the price brightness ratio.

Why do you think I need to discuss my opinion here?

You can write your opinion in your answer to the questioner. He is interested in the asked.

2 years ago

Meanwhile you get flashlights with a lot of power for very little money, because it doesn’t always have to be the expensive Nextorch.

The old ones have less power and are more inefficient, even LEDs have developed considerably in recent years. The Nextorch may not be bad, yet I would prefer to use current models at the price.