Ölfilter zu alt?

Ich habe mir bei Amazon ein Ölfilter für ein Renault clio 1.2 16v 2001 gekauft (hat um die 9€ gekostet). Den passenden Öl für den Ölwechsel habe ich ja schon dazu gehabt. Nun habe ich ml auf dem Ölfilter gesehen das es eine Produktionsdatum von 16.02.15 hat. Ist es schon zu alt oder kann man den noch einbauen?

Danke im voraus

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3 years ago

In dry, light-protected storage, the oil filters can be used easily after years and decades.

3 years ago

It doesn’t matter about technology when it comes to professional storage. The valve should not be rusted (spring with ball) and the rest is “paper”.

Problem could be the seal. In the worst case, the filter leaks at the engine block, light leakage. There’s nothing wrong.

3 years ago

There’s paper in there – no more. There’s nothing wrong with it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Axel505

The seal is a normal rubber ring. A little oil on it, that’s right. And you get the oil filter later also screwed off.

3 years ago

Rule number 1. Do not purchase parts from the Internet to save money.

Seriously this is an oil filter and no milk, the production date could also be 94 as long as it was packed it fits.