Öl-Service Anzeige, wie ernst muss ich sie nehmen?
Also, ich befinde mich gerade in einer sehr grauenhaften Situation.
Ich bin Freizeitassistent (zzt eher 24h Pflege) und habe nun einen meiner Klienten eine ganze Woche zu betreuen.
Die Mutter von dem zu betreuenden Kind ist mit meinem Auto zum Flughafen gefahren und ich habe ihr Auto mit den ganzen Umbauten für ihren Sohn.
Jetzt war ich gerade in der nächsten Stadt, Medikamente holen und am Heimweg beim Motor starten, piepst der Bordcomputer mit der Aufschrift: ” Öl-Service, jetzt!”
Die nächste Werkstatt hat mir einen Termin in 3 Wochen gegeben, also kann ich nun ein paar km überziehen, oder sollte ich das Auto nicht mehr angreifen für die restliche Woche?
Egal was ich mache, ich komme vermutlich in Teufels-Küche,..
Am liebsten wäre mir die Meinung von einem Mechaniker dazu. 😉
No problem. It would be bad if you had a guarantee on your cabin. Then you should keep the maintenance intervals.
If you wouldn’t do that, Audi might refuse to hurt. take over the costs if a guarantee is required.
The guarantee, in my knowledge, already expires with the disabled-friendly reconstruction. –“
No, as Michael has written, it doesn’t necessarily have to be. Changes and or cultivations are not a problem and have no influence on warranty work. It is only important that the company should do so.
A good example is the Mercedes EQS by Wolfgang Grupp. As with his previous S-Class, he has rebuilt the passenger seat against the direction of travel.
This is or what a problem with the box and the company had to pick up almost half the interior. However, the guarantee and warranty remained unaffected.
no, if the remodeling has been carried out professionally and thus also with certification and everything, then the factory warranty is not touched
“Oil service” is only the indication that maintenance is pending. This is estimated on the basis of the kilometers traveled and the time, but does not mean anything had happened to the oil.
Critical would be a message “oil level low” or even the oil pressure lamp.
Of course, you can only take the number of kilometers to the extreme, but if in three weeks you are still driving 1000 km then nothing happens. Had a company car that cried even after oil change at the beginning of the week had to drive over 1200 km the whole week has not done anything to the car
yes then stop in three days, if you do not drive 10tkm in time, then surely the machine will not explode
Are 3 weeks until then I have not even the car. ^ 10tkm=thousandkm? XD
Sorry, weeks yes…
This is no longer dramatic, these service change intervals are just a concession to the autoindustire, I once talked with a nem oil ingi from a test laboratory, the oils hold a lot of it
If there’s too little in it, then fill up half a liter. From the bottom line to the top line, there are 1 liters.
The oils hold far more than is widely thought. You can also drive 5,000 km more…