Öl Service?
Hallo, ich habe mein VW Taigo im Juli 2024 diesen Jahres gekauft. Baujahr ist Juni 2023. das Auto besitzt eine fünf Jahres Hersteller Garantie bis Juni 2027. Aktueller Kilometerstand 8900 km. Nun zeigt der Bordcomputer mir an Öl Service in zehn Tagen unter der Rubrik Çar habe ich geschaut. Dort steht Öl Service in 14.500 km oder 10 Tagen? wann muss ich denn jetzt zu dem Service gehen? Ist das eine manuelle Einstellung? Fällt sowas unter die Garantie oder muss ich das bezahlen? Hab leider keine Ahnung von solchen Dingen. ob es kann mir eine weiterhelfen danke und schönen Tag.
I work in a Fiat/Alfa car house.
Serice we always make about every 15,000 km or about a year.
Guarantee is not, a service counts for normal car care. Unless you negotiated in the purchase agreement that the first service is free. We often enter this into the purchase agreement on customer request.
At Stellantis, if you make a free mobility guarantee every year.
And your warranty/currency is also linked to the service. In your sense, I’d have it done.
Thank you.
Oil changes and inspections are of course to be paid.
Thank you for the quick answer, it is normal that you will specify customer service two times 14,500 km or in 10 days.
This is from the on-board computer of the car, which announces that an oil change should take place either after a certain period or after a certain distance. Unfortunately, people do not think about it themselves today, so this is necessary. Let an oil change take place in the next ten days and is good.
Thank you
Please drive with the vehicle to the colleagues of VW and agree with them an appointment or in a free workshop that is left to you. Please change the oil within 10 days, your engine will thank you very much.
Unfortunately, if you have no maintenance contract, you will have to carry the oil change yourself.
Thanks for the answer
I have another question I bought a VW at an Audi house. Should I better go to VW or can I go where I bought it? If I take a workshop of my choice, then is there no guarantee of an oil change?
No, no, no, no, no. You can also drive to your Audi dealer, we look forward to you! You have free choice of the workshop during all maintenance work, including within the warranty, as long as the maintenance is carried out according to manufacturer’s specifications. Please look again into the terms and conditions, or ask your dealer for security for a moment! Greetings to colleagues at Audi go out!
I was wondering if you could bring your own oil at such workshops VW or Audi? Just ask it not too expensive. I’ve read this on the Internet. Thank you
With us this is possible that you bring the oil as it is with your dealer, I can’t tell you. Every car house is fixed for itself.
Thank you!!!!
If there is still warranty, you should comply with the requirements. It always counts what’s going on. So time.
You should have the oil exchanged within the next few days. This has nothing to do with the guarantee or warranty.
Thank you for the answer!
Always happy ðŸTM‚