Öl raucht?
Habe vorhin gebraten in der Pfanne und dabei ein Öl benutzt, welches, nachdem ich es in die Pfanne gegeben habe und erhitzen wollte, begonnen hat zu rauchen. Habe mir nichts dabei gedacht, vorallem weil der Rauch neutral und nicht eklig roch. Auch das Essen hat nicht anders oder komisch geschmeckt.
Wie ist das jetzt also mit den Ölen beim Erhitzen?
If oil in the 🍳 can be smoked dangerous, first of all for the good is nothing and because of oil fire, which can quickly flare the bud.
You should know how to use a stove. With water you can take the maximum temperature. It’s not burning.
In the case of oil, it should be kept below the smoke point, for example rapeseed oil below 230° C. I mean, I’m about 180°C.
Lot your stove once with the fertilizer temperature. Take that as an absolute MaxTemp for pans.
With my Siemens induction, that’s ‘6’ – I’m never going over it. Bonus: Coated pans keep much longer.
It depends on which oil you have taken, it depends on which oil you have taken, my students are heated too fast. Some oils
are heated too fast.
Better get them out. LG gadus
That looks better now. LG gadus
The oil got too hot. DIes is absolutely not good and should you avoid getting so hot in the future…
Oil is flammable.
Your oil was too hot. You should not heat oil so strongly