Öl mischen?
Hallo, was passiert wenn man 0W-30 LL-04 mit 0W-30 LL-12 mischt?
Zb. 6L LL12 und 1L LL04
Hallo, was passiert wenn man 0W-30 LL-04 mit 0W-30 LL-12 mischt?
Zb. 6L LL12 und 1L LL04
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If the older LL-04 is released, one can mix both, has neither an advantage or drawback.
The problem is only that behind held hand also VW people openly admit that longlife is overall shit because after 1 1/2 years you drive around with consumed engine oil
The number after the LL (Longlife) determines the year and the resulting emmision values.
If your car is built in 2004 and older, it should not be a problem. If the vehicle is built in 2012 and younger, it can be that the emission values cannot be fully complied with. I can’t tell you if Kat or particle filter can damage it. Don’t think.
So the LL04 is released by BMW and should fit for my engine, just wanted to know about mixing conditions. My car has no OPF
Since I assume that the LL-12 is the “better” oil and you mix it with 6 to 1, with the LL-04er allowed, I see no problems
LL-O4 is for vehicles with particle filter or cat. LL-12 only a further development with specific components. We say the ash-free oils are. I don’t have any concerns to mix it.
Thank you.