Ohr “wiederherstellen”?
Da ich 99,9% der zeit meine musik über Kopfhörer höre und aber auch fast nur einseitig (mit rechts) Habe ich heute mitbekommen (nachdem mein rechter Kopfhörer leer war und ich auf links geswitcht bin) Das entweder mein rechtes Ohr die musik nurnoch sehr leise warnimmt oder der Kopfhörer schwåcher ist… Da es aber warscheinlivher ist das ich mein ohr kaputt gemacht habe/mache Ist meine frage nun :
Kann ich etwas machen um dies wieder auszugleichen OHNE an hörkraft zu verlieren? Also kann ich mein Ohr “wiederherstellen”?
Mfg DerTypAmGalgen
Listening music only quietly with headphones, so generally no loud music, then you can vllt still save it depends on how long you’re doing this
At some point, you can’t fix it. In the ear are tiny little hairs that bend or move with the vibrations of the sounds. Listen to the music, they turn around and you’re temporarily worse. Do this more often, and give your ear no time to recover it can be that they bend or even break. Then you’re hearing worse or nothing at all.
tldr either you leave it or you get a permanent hearing damage in your ear. You can at most destroy your other ear.
If the music wasn’t so loud, the fairies still bend when you listen to music for a long time. There it is clear that for a short time on one ear you hear worse
Or… Your headphones are damaged on one side…
You can change your ears, then you don’t always just wear one ear
Oh, okay. I guess over 4years a day and 10-20 min at almost full volume (c. a. 90%) counts 1. As long as 2. as loud…
Jaa I would go to the ear doctor…
You know what’s going on with your ears.
Did I get that right, why do I just listen to the headphone on one side?
It doesn’t make any sense because the music sounds better on both sides.
However, if you have already damaged your hearing with headphones for too long, you can no longer “restore” it
I hear mainly reckon now, for example, on work I also have to hear what is happening around me or at home at the docking I have my head set also only hakb to know when my mother calls for eating or she sometimes needs help. That’s why I almost hear one-sided. Of course, it’s better on both sides but I have to adapt since it makes the others ned 😅
All right, thanks for the explanation. Don’t listen too loud that quickly damages your hearing permanently.
Recovering is no longer possible.
What’s broken is broken.
To some extent, the body can work around the defects, so that it is less noticeable.
But this is just a subjective perception.
Okay, well, here’s how Harre could have grown up on his head that the ohr regenerated… shame.
Make a listener you can do it online then you know if it’s your ear.