Ohr tut weh?

Heyy 😕

Mir tut jetzt mein Ohr weh und ich höre auch nicht so viel.

Ich bin gestern schon zum Artz gegangen und die haben mich wieder nach Hause geschickt und mir einen Termin für näste Woche gegeben . Da sie zu voll sind.

Was soll ich tun? Soll ich es heute noch mal versuchen

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11 months ago

Take Ibuprofen biz to 3 x 400 mg, free of prescription) and swelling

Sometimes, in the case of grippal infects secretion in the middle ear is amazed when a bacterial infection can then make the middle ear infection.

11 months ago

Yes, in any case, that you go, the best to the ear doctor and say that it has worsened overnight and every one of your symptoms. Don’t let them send you away, no matter what they say. The doctor has to decide whether to examine you or not. You should insist on that.

11 months ago

I would call again there and say that you’re in pain now and suspect a middle ear infection. As an alternative to an HNO. Think you’ll probably have to go. Don’t wait when it hurts you, try to come to a doctor today. There are HNO Praxen who offer emergency hours.

You could take ibuprofen and a nasal spray.

11 months ago


11 months ago

You’re an emergency in pain. they can’t send you away.

Just go.

probier’s – good luck🍀.

11 months ago
Reply to  Woelfin373

But you’re an emergency patient with pain. Well, then I’d push my lacrimal gland and not go back.

11 months ago
Reply to  Woelfin373

Then you must say that it cannot wait until next week due to the pain!