Ear mute after flight?
My ear feels strange and I'm having trouble hearing. It hurts when I yawn or lower my head. When will it go away? I arrived two hours ago.
My ear feels strange and I'm having trouble hearing. It hurts when I yawn or lower my head. When will it go away? I arrived two hours ago.
On days like today, I get dizzy and have trouble breathing and I also have difficulty speaking so that I can't control the corners of my mouth properly and everything feels heavy.
The instructions say you should take 3 capsules daily unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor.
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Your Eustachian tube is swollen, so the connection from inner ear to throat. This can happen, especially if you’re a little cold. If it doesn’t go away, take swelling nose drops. It usually helps.
If it doesn’t go away and the pain gets too big, go to the Neck-Nasen-Ohrenarzt.
It was after the flight, what does one have to do with the other? And is this going away by itself?
There is a much lower pressure on the travel altitude than on the ground level. Although a certain pressure equalization takes place in aircraft, an air pressure as at 10,000m would not get us well. But the air pressure in aircraft corresponds approximately to the pressure at 2000m.
The air pressure acts from the outside on the eardrum. The inner ear is separated from the outer ear by the ear. A pressure equalization takes place via the connection from the inner ear to the throat. However, if this connection is blocked during landing, the lower pressure in the inner ear is maintained, while after landing on the outer ear of the drum, the air pressure again acts on the ground level. The eardrum is thus now under high tension, which can cause pain on the one hand, and on the other hand limits the vibration capability, as a result of which the sensitivity to the tube is reduced.
Swelling nasal drops also allow the mucous membrane of the eustachic tube to swell, the connection between the inner ear and the throat opens, and the pressure in the inner ear is normalized.
Thanks for your detailed answer