Ohnr Führerscheinauto fahren?

Bin grade im Finale von meinem Führerschein und bei meinem Nachbarn steht schon mein Auto was auf mich wartet mein Nachbar hat ein großes privatgründstück von allen Seiten abgesperrt mit Garagen von links kann man ins privat Grundstück reinfahren dürfte ich dan ohne Führerschein mein Auto aus der Garage fahren weil ich es gerne mall wieder an haben will er stand jetzt schon 5 monate drin und das ist nicht gut für den Motor

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2 years ago

has a large private green area locked from all sides with garages from the left you can drive into the private property

If “left” is a fence with a closed gate, then you can drive there.

If there’s any strange guy in there who’s too stupid to look at the navigator, it’s public traffic space and you need a driving permit.

drive my car out of the garage because I like to have it back again

  1. Keep running is prohibited.
  2. If, then the engine would have to be warm. So not only let 5 minutes run, but at least one hour (at stand gas).

he was already 5 months in it and this is not good for the engine

When the engine was supplied with oil when it was turned off, absolutely nothing bad happens in time. A short-term running would be worse.

2 years ago
Reply to  RedPanther

If there’s any strange guy in there who’s too stupid to look at the navigator, then public transport and you need a driving permit.

If you could prove that with a source, I would be very grateful. From my point of view, a private property is always considered a private property, whether it is fenced (so it is freely accessible) or not. No public transport space. But with a corresponding source, I’d like to teach myself a better one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amtsschreck

From my point of view, a private property is always considered a private property, whether it is fenced (so it is freely accessible) or not. No public transport space.

Then 10 ha of forest in private ownership would certainly be private property and inaccessible to the public. In my knowledge, each national law provides for the free accessibility of forests irrespective of the property conditions and such a piece of forest usually also includes forest paths on which e.g. cyclists can drive.

But I have the info e.g. here,

This is only permissible if this is private grounds and the latter is satisfied, i.e. with a fence or a barrier.


In contrast, private traffic areas cannot be used by anyone. Corresponding traffic spaces can be seen, among other things, on barriers, warning signs or ban signs.

and here.

A public transport area is generally present when the relevant traffic area explicitly or with implicit notification of the authorized person for use for anyone or at least for a generally defined larger group of persons, and is actually used, where the property or widowhood conditions are not at all. Public transport can also be a private parking after the BGH decision. On the other hand, public transport is no longer available if (for example, through access barriers) it is made unambiguously recognizable that public transport on the area is not tolerated.

2 years ago

Thank you for your search. However, I interpret all sources as you have mentioned it as an example, namely areas that are not inhabited, i.e. forest, meadows, fields or park areas of commercial objects. But no private property that is visibly inhabited.

Imagine you have a big agricultural farm. The 3 building parts are horseshoe-shaped. There no one would think that as a stranger, the inner courtyard of this farm, even if one side is open, would be used as a publicly accessible space and would like to take a slalom course for his cross machine. He’d be chased by the court. Satisfaction can also be made by buildings if this creates a courtyard.

These properties must be in a spatial or economic context with a house, so that the status of satisfied ownership is transferred to the property (pre-gardens, courtyards, garage spaces, etc).


And I see this as given in the description of the FS. A detonation therefore does not necessarily have to be present. That’s what I mean.

2 years ago

and this is not good for the engine

Where did you get that garbage? How long do you think cars are at the dealer?

It is much worse for engine and exhaust system when it is let cold, and then does not run properly warm.

If the garage is not directly on a public road, but on the enclosed property, you can drive your car out of the garage.

2 years ago

It is also not good for the engine if you just let the vehicle run short. You should drive the car for longer with load changes and this will not be possible on the property.

The rum standing (half year) does not harm the engine, the highest of the battery and you can charge it with a charger.

1 year ago

All that is private property you can drive. What is not private

2 years ago


On private property may drive without a driver’s license if you have the permission of the owner and the property is secured against unauthorized entry.

About Anna

2 years ago

On a GANZ locked private grounds yes, if it is accessible, no.

Say: the access must also have a gate or the like, must not be open.

2 years ago

Move the car short now, just hurts, and the battery can’t recharge so fast.

2 years ago

If the owner of the property allows that, you can do that. You can’t leave the private property.

I hope you’re insured if anything happens.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jason396

stupid joint, 1. banned 2. damages the engine 3. has a high fuel consumption

2 years ago
Reply to  Jason396

It’s forbidden. You can’t let the engine run. And that’s exactly what the engine is doing.

2 years ago

then lock it up so that no one else can drive in.

2 years ago

Don’t do it.

2 years ago

On a private property you can drive

2 years ago

r was already 5 months in it and this is not good for the engine

Who told you the nonsense?

from left you can enter the private property

aha, no gate, let the car stand, that would be driving without valid driving permit