Ohne Wissen der Eltern zum Urologen?
ich bin 17 und wie man aus meiner vorletzten Frage erahnen kann habe ich ein Problem im Hodenbereich. Da ich immer wieder von Fußballern höre, wie sie an Hodenkrebs erkranken, wollte ich gerne zum Urologen gehen, einfach als Vorsorge damit ich keinen Hodenkrebs habe. Ich würde gerne einfach zum Arzt gehen ohne dass ich meine Eltern einbinde, ist das möglich?
Ich bin bei meinem Vater bei der österreichischen Gesundheitskasse mitversichert.
Yes, you can go to the doctor on your own at the age, do not need your parents’ consent, and the doctor’s obligation to remain silent to the parents up to a few exceptions.
You have your own e-card, you take it, you don’t need it. However, I would recommend that you first go to the family doctor, he can also carry out the scan and, if he considers it necessary, will transfer you to a urologist.
You’re not doing anything illegal – so just do it to you.
That girls are embarrassed when parents know when they go to the gynecologist I can still understand halfway since parents should not know when daughters are sexually active. But your eggs have nothing to do with whether you use them or not. So just go to the doctor.
And yes, your parents can see what doctors you were looking at the annual billing of the E-Card. If you look at them…
Yes, I think that should be possible. No one can forbid you from visiting a doctor. Whatever doctor.
Okay, thanks. How likely is testicular cancer at my age (17)?
I don’t know. But you can’t say that from age. But there are doctors.
Yes such a visit is possible without the parents.
You only need the green card that the urologist needs for billing. If your father asks why, you should tell him exactly that. Basta!
Okay, thanks. How likely is testicular cancer at my age (17)?
Then let the left kidney examine.
I also know in the testicles pulling pain of constipation / too hard chair.
No only on the right side
On both sides?
sporty overexercise? or you still grow what is the more explainable solution. If the growth joints are still open, you will grow and that will move in the groin area.
What could that be? I’ve been pulling in the groin or groin for two weeks. Hoden area….
Of course you can’t forget about the Urologen, ID + verse card. If only one hode hurts, it can also be a kidney failure. Let’s go.
Go to the doctor first. He’ll give a transfer to the urologist.
can you save your age…
there’s no such thing…