Ohne schlechtes gewissen und zunehmen essen?

Folgendes: ich will nicht weiter abnehmen!

Bin von 73 auf 55 kg runter gekommen in den letzten 2 Jahren und hab die meiste Zeit bis heute Kalorien gezählt.

Meinem Umfeld ist das natürlich aufgefallen und teilweise machen die sich sorgen, aber ich würde nicht behaupten dass ich magersüchtig bin oder so, weil wenn ich zb mit anderen esse, dann achte ich nicht auf Kalorien oder Mengen.

Wenn ich alleine bin, zähl ich halt so grob,um nicht zuzunehmen. Da liegt auch mein Zwiespalt, weil ich nehm mir dann vor, zur nächsten Mahlzeit zb Pfannkuchen zu essen, aber dann wirds doch nur eine Tomatensuppe mit Gemüse, was weniger Kohlenhydrate und Kalorien hat.

Ich esse auch mehr die Woche Kuchen oder andere Süßigkeiten und genieße das auch, aber trotzdem zähl ich immer die Kalorien mit rein. Auch wenn ich mir vornehme, mal einen Tag nicht zu zählen, mach ich es dann doch, um es halt zu kontrollieren.

Wie gesagt, ich will nicht weiter abnehmen! Nur auch nicht zunehmen, weil ich das gewicht/Figur aktuell ziemlich mag.

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1 year ago

I’ve taken over 30 kg a few years ago, I’ve kept it since and I know this phase well.

That’s the limit to magnificence. Stay right here. Don’t go.

When you get used to weight loss, the step to magic is small. Again:

Don’t go.

Sit now immediately a window for your healthy weight, from to, ask best a doctor, which is ideal for you. You’re moving in this area. Forever, now.

Your weight always fluctuate over several kilograms. That’s normal. Water retention or simply a great holiday where you really get in, and you’ll take it. Have a lot of sport, you take off. It’s normal.

If you are Minimum have reached, enjoy some donuts. If you are Maximum let the sweetie go for a few days.

Enjoy your life. The control you. I have 6 years of healthy weight.

1 year ago
Reply to  idontknow9602

I can do this exactly as described. I regularly weigh. If it goes down, I’ll eat more sweet. When it comes up, sweetness is deleted. However, my meal sizes remain constant.

1 year ago

Try and error. I eat roughly a fist full of food plus a fist dessert to evening. Lunch in the working week only cold, salad, sandwich. Breakfast different, sometimes nothing, sometimes croissants. You need to find your individual rhythm.

1 year ago

If you have counted calories in the last 2 years, you may not get rid of this (unfortunate) habit overnight. But I’m sure it’s with some patience.

It’s nice that you don’t count calories in certain situations (in society). You can do that again in your other everyday life.

In recent times, you have remembered enough about the energy content of foods and meals, counting is not necessary. You know (and may feel) also so that you sometimes go to a vegetable soup when the last meal is great or you have eaten a big piece of cake 2 hours before.

Try to return to a natural ratio to food so slowly and to see not only the individual macronutrients and calories in a meal.

1 year ago
Reply to  idontknow9602

For me, it reads as if you could take this forever. Give yourself a little time. All right.

1 year ago

Usually you should know your typical dishes and their portion sizes after 2 years. Then you don’t have to count anymore.

Leave everything else away and no problem.

1 year ago

So you shouldn’t take off. That could be really unhealthy. But calorie counting is also not a permanent solution.


– Calculate your current calorie requirement and count your calories how much you can eat and then always guess yourself.

– eat many things you can eat as much as you want to take OHNE:


– Berries

– Cucumbers

– Melons

– Lauch

– Cabbage

– Celery

– Lemons

But eat other things, too. Do not keep trying to live like this, because your behavior indicates eating disorder. Better get help from a nutritionist and just eat consciously and healthy. If you get problems get help.

1 year ago
Reply to  idontknow9602

It’s good that you can enjoy something. I always look at the calories at candy. But I’d rather pamper it. Just don’t count calories for a week and see how it is and if you could keep your weight.

1 year ago

Your weight is good now. Stay there. I don’t think it’s bad to count? What is the disadvantage of this? No…