Obtain a secondary school diploma without a secondary school diploma?

Can you obtain a secondary school diploma without having a secondary school diploma?

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4 months ago

It doesn’t work so directly, but there’s another way. Also with a main school degree, you can start training. And if you create the vocational school in the course of training with a certain average (mostly 3,0), you have the middle maturity and that corresponds to the same level of qualification as the real school degree. The direct completion of the real school after 10 years of school is just another way to medium maturity. At the end of the school, one also speaks of the “medium school degree” or of the “medium school”.

Now there are people who visit the vocational school without training place after the regular school. Just because they have to (school compulsory). So it could be that you have the middle maturity even if you have completed the vocational school without a training place with the above-mentioned average.

You should find out for your federal state. As is well known, school issues are national and there are differences.

Greeting Matti

4 months ago

Probably not, but you can upgrade from primary school to intermediate maturity:

https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/unemployed work-find/buergergeld/students

https://www.ihk.de/hamburg/training/vocational orientation/vocational orientation-recognition-esa-msa-4125878

