Ohne Blinker fahren?

Servus Leute und zwar hab ich ein s51-b und hab meine alter Blinker auseinander gebaut und hab jetzt led Blinker aber es fehlt mir leider die Halterung ,dafür muss ich ja bisschen sparen,

Meiner Frage ist darf man die Blinker auseinander bauen also weg, und ohne Blinker fahren ,nur Handzeichen zeigen wenn man abbiegen will?

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1 year ago


Basically yes. The StVZO (road traffic registration regulation) states in §54 direction indicator, paragraph 5, point 4 that indicators on small-scale vehicles are not required. So if your blinkers are not functioning or dismantled, you give hand signs.

The basic problem with handmarks is if you want to turn right. Because you have to take your hand off the gas. In this case, you should pull the clutch left at the same time so that the engine brake does not brake you at the same time.

The beautiful thing about the old original flashers is that you can simply turn them to the ground when they are broken. Then other road users are not irritated if you still give hand signs despite the flasher, because they do not recognize the flashers turned down as such. You’re going to complete it, so it’s okay. But can you turn the LED flashers when they fail?

1 year ago

No. The blinker is part of the permit.