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2 months ago

The opening hours are now different from bank to bank and branch to branch. In Germany, so much online is made that it is no longer worthwhile for the banks to have opened so many branches for a long time. However, it is usually possible to get a consultancy appointment even outside the “normal” opening hours if you call it.

What do you mean re-registering? Registration at online banking? The two-factor application is part of a security system and serves to protect your data and your money. If this is not the case in Poland, it may be easier (was it with us earlier) but also more uncertain. There are also differences in the comfort and simplicity of the 2-factor application for German banks.

2 months ago

A VR bank is run more like an office than a private enterprise. This can be felt not only at the opening hours.

And my acquaintance is disturbing that you have to request a code at the bank for each registration. According to him, the old-fashioned, elaborate and in Poland is much easier and better.

He’s right. Just go to a modern bank and get away from the old-fashioned banks like VR. Fintechs like N26 do not have such problems.

2 months ago

Why have banks in Germany opened until 1:00 or 2:00?

Every bank handles it differently. This is not generally valid.

2 months ago
Reply to  DaKaBo

And my acquaintance is disturbing that you have to request a code at the bank for each registration

What new registration? How often does he register?

Moreover, I would not be surprised at the safety standards being less high than in Germany. That would explain a lot.

I have never had any problems with my German online account and I am glad that everything is double and triple secured.

My Ebay account has been hacked years ago. Where was the hacker? In Poland. Oh, miracles.

2 months ago

He came from Warsaw and I could even post you the address.

Lovely life still