Ofengemüse mit Käse überbacken 20 Stunden ungekühlt — noch essbar?

Um ehrlich zu sein, benutze ich Gutefrage das erste Mal seit Ewigkeiten weil ich inzwischen jeden Bullshit ChatGPT oder die KI Perplexity frage.

Nun sagen mir aber beide KIs: Ich solle das Zeug nicht mehr essen. Raclette-Käse, Champignos und Speck böten einen krassen Nährboden für Bakterien, die dann zu einer Lebensmittelvergiftung führen würden.

Ich habe mir für dieses Gericht SO Mühe gegeben. War dann einfach zu betrunken um auf die Idee zu kommen, das Überbleibsel in den Kühlschrank zu verfrachten.

Jetzt meine Frage an euch: Hat die KI wirklich recht? Ich hoffe auf eine relativierende Antwort.

Habe ChatGPT und Perplexity noch extra angewiesen, nach wissenschaftlichen Quellen zu suchen, welche die 2-Stunden-Regel etc. relativieren. Resultat: Nichts! Selbst wenn ich das Ofengemüse nochmals in den Ofen verfrachte, würden böse Bakterien überleben.

Das verunsichert mich. Aber es wäre so schade, wenn ich alles wegschmeissen muss. Ihr seid meine letzte Hoffnung.

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5 months ago

Don’t eat anymore! I used to do this, and I’ve been empty for three days. Such a thing can even become life-threatening because by the many vomiting the body becomes empty by salt and minerals.

5 months ago

I’d eat it if it smells good.

This bacterial hysteria is starting to get me to the cookie.

Where did the common sense remain?

In the past, the people smelled first, then try and make the stuff hot and eat again.

Leave for your senses if they are not completely cared for, then they will do you good services 😉

Last week I made a shrimp pan out of expired shrimps, leave the rest uncooled overnight and eat the next day.

And…tadaaa…I live still and can write here 😂

5 months ago

Was extremely heat-treated by the baking process and we have moderate room temperatures if you are not very uniform.

I would eat this after 20h and the last 30 years have never made me sick after aquivalent manners.

5 months ago

Smells and try… You don’t need help from third parties whether ki or web

5 months ago

Depends on the room temperature.

5 months ago

Please throw it away. Long-term damage in the body is fatal.

And cool the next time. There are plastic cans for that.

5 months ago
Reply to  Spassbremse1

What kind of long-term damage?

5 months ago
Reply to  Alburnus

Bacteria and partially invisible mold spread quickly into uncooled foods, especially in processed. Comprehensive food poisoning can occur, even with death. Please go for more information!

5 months ago

Thank you very much.

5 months ago

That’s right! For decades, many people have suffered from the serious consequences of such negligent behavior among gastrointestinal complaints to Parkinson-like symptoms. You shouldn’t try to play that down. And if you die from food poisoning, that thing went anyway.

5 months ago

Yeah, I know that, but you talked about “long-term damage.” Long-term damage is damage that can affect years or decades later.


5 months ago

You shouldn’t eat it anymore.