Ochsenbäckchen in Rotweinsauce Rewe Alternative Zubereitung?
Ich habe mir die Ochsenbäckchen in Rotweinsauce von Rewe gekauft, habe jetzt aber festgestellt, dass man anscheinend einen Ofen braucht für die Zubereitung, der mir leider nicht zur Verfügung steht. Kann man die auch im Topf oder sonst irgendwie anders zubereiten?
Just warm in the pot. Unpacked! The vacuum bag could be burst, and not heat-resistant. There are ready meals made in a bag in a water bath. That’s what it says!
Yeah, you can warm them up slowly in a pot. It has the advantage that you still season to your own taste or, for example, vegetables that do not have long cooking time.
Sure. Simply roast with vegetables, tomato and peppers, remove with vegetable broth and red wine and let simmer for two hours.
They’ve already been killed and vacuumed as far as I know. I would make those in the pot, just boil up water, put the bag in and let it simmer slightly half an hour until the contents are hot.
That’s right. I would still cook them with cream, reduce them and taste the sauce.