OBS welche Bitrate und welche skalierung bei 16k leitung (streamen)?
Hallo und zwar habe ich eine 16k und mache so 1,9-2,0 mb/s bei steam download z.B und jetzt wollte ich fragen welche bitrate da die beste ist und welche skalierung also die auflösung ich denke 1080p nicht oder?
Your download doesn’t matter, only the upload, and with a 16k line it will probably not be enough to stream into 1080p (I have put the upload (or the video bit rate) for it, for example, to 6000 (with 50/10 Mbit line), the standard upload at 16k is afaik 1 MBit/s, so you could set a maximum of 1000, better transfer some less audio, because you would also need some more punding etc.
In the OBS Forum, someone asked a similar question, as it was said with the lead to a maximum of 480p in it, asking video bitrate to about 600-700.
Or also:
Probably have 1.8 uploads. I used to have a 16K and streamed in 720p with 30fps on a 1800 bit rate. Was liquid.
Thank you, what are you going to use? I don’t mean the video scaling
Although no the output scaling can not be changed I mean the video scaling
Video scaling is the monitor resolution. Output is the resolution in the stream. Take 720p.
The video scaling is your monitor resolution.
So I have to write a scaling 720p on issue?
I’m going to recalculate what’s going on with OBS Settings and then I’m going to recalculate what’s going on 🙂
The 16k download will not bring you anything, your upload is crucial. The bit rate and resolution (scaling) are then determined.
Where do I see him?
Take a speed test, just search Google for one.